However, patients should be aware that researchers studied nettle leaf extract (one 500-mg capsule every eight hours for three months) in combination with conventional oral anti-hyperglycemicdrugs, implying that nettle tea could be a useful complementary treatment, particularly for pre-diabetics. Nettle...
ACV for diabetes– type 2 diabetes is caused by either the inability to produce insulin or insulin resistance. ACV helps regulate blood sugar levels which help with insulin responses. Because of this vinegar can be helpful for pre-diabetics, people with diabetes, or for anybody looking to regula...
artificial devices. Insulin drips had been used to regulate the metabolisms of diabetics since the 1920s. A heart-lung machine was used to control the blood circulation of an 18-year-old girl during an operation in 1953. A 43-year-old man received the first heart pacemaker implant in 1958...
tumor dogs, autolized yeast extracts, blue lake 40s, potassium sorbates, trans fats and all the rest of the health destroying compounds VOLUNTARILY AND CONSCIOUSLY being ingested like whiskey in an old mining town on payday