Trythousands. The women and children had peeled off from the crowd, and where first I had seemed to be the odd duck in a massive family outing of rather formally dressed people, I was now just a lone gentile adrift in a sea of burly dudes, all dressed in black. While not an actual ...
Hiking Rules For Dudes – A Thirsty Daddy Musing July 4, 2020 Health & Fitness Tips: Protein-Infused Cocktail Recipes Perfect For The Summer! July 4, 2020 Health & Fitness Tips: Why You Should Be Drinking More Water To Stay In Shape! June 29, 2020 LifeStyle Tips: Attract The Life...
There are so many good global warming jokes. … Oh man, I love global warming jokes. Rambo III Directed by Peter MacDonald Starring Sylvester Fucking Stallone and some Middle Eastern dudes 1988, 102 min. “Well I hate to admit it, but the truth is we’re getting soft.” Scott: They j...
There are, however, a few stipulations that you may not be aware of, and hey, guess what: they could result in 100% genuine jail time! Like…bread and water, shanked in the shower, singing Swing Low Sweet Chariot…the whole deal. Here are some codes of conduct that may surprise you...
Thanks, dudes! Some time ago, I adopted the Tower application as my git environment of choice. While I can manage git at the command line, I liked the way Tower displays information, and I like its UI with its buttons and menus. Nov 7, 2024 Wise Words After the Election of 2024 ...
Anyway, I’m the garage, me and the Boy have loaded our 24 boxes, a grey Ford Escape rolls up and 3 dudes jump out. Now I am hyper-vigilant because I don’t want to be the star of The First 48: Tampa on moving day and I don’t trust the whole “I hired people vetted by ...
Designed for convenience and usability, this cooler also features an adjustable Backsaver shoulder strap that centers load weight, anti-slip shoulder pad and Rhino-Tech exterior material that is tough, water and stain-resistant and easy to wipe clean. ...
2. He qualified for the hit new showWhite House Ninja Warriors,moving on to Las Vegas semi finals. 3. those Jehovah Witness dudes are getting more aggressive! 4. Really? Breaking into a black guy’s house? What is this? New York?
While this sounds bleak, it takes a turn for the bizarre as the two men decide the best way to sort their lives out is to dress up as women… because apparently women fare better in the workplace? MovieStillsDB While the premise is shaky, you have to admit, d...
In all seriousness I have always been a huge proponent of the statement that “it takes two to tango”. I’ve witnessed a lot of dudes give no consideration to the relationship status of a woman they approach in a club or bar or whatnot. I think there’s a general lack of discipline...