I have been thinking & planning this list for a while. Some bits of it are clipped from personal emails I have sent to people but the rest…is totally new. I’ve had a lot of people asking me for my selections. I will tell you, flat out, every movie here is one I willBACK 100...
Spike Jonze: Yeah. It’s almost like we’re these old dudes sitting around going, “I remember when they did it this way...” and I’m sure when you’re 8 and you see the new STAR WARS movies, it has the same feeling as the old ones. But for me, I remember looking at this ...
Unfonunatcly for mom, that's not true. WaIChing televisions, induding leOs and flat screens, can't cause your eyes any physical harm. The same is true for using the computer tOO much or watching 3-0 movies. Your eyes may feel more tircd if you sit too close 1'1 the T V or ...
@sushimastersYou are basically wondering “what is wrong” with those dudes that are into feet. “What is up with…” is used for questioning someone or something, mostly when you find it strange or don’t agree with it. :) kevinmarceloph ...
There Are 'Cool Dudes' Then There Are 'Liar Dudes' - Meet The Amazing Tim Flannery Read here, it's truly amazing. Being a 'cool dude' is challenging, fun and ethical - we don't makeup bogus climate change "facts", nor are we 24/7 green hypocrites. Being a 'liar dude' is a wh...
t have seen anyway, it being covered with overhanging brush as it was, and I rolled out into the intersection and some good old boy in a pickem-up truck with his wife, going an estimated 120 miles an hour, T-boned me and sent my car 200 feet and My Love flew out behind me, ...