Hamas official Mahmoud Zahar said Saturday that militants who continue to fire rockets towards Israel are "rebels." In an interview with London-based Al-Hayat newspaper Zahar explained that "there is a ceasefire agreement that was formulated after the war [Operation Cast Lead in Gaza]. Did we ...
Hamas shifts from rockets to public relations; Hamas now fighting with art, not rockets ; Shifting policy, leaders are looking to cultural initiatives to win supportETHAN BRONNER
Months after Hamas attackers killed 1,200 people, a string of Israeli farming communities they targeted just across the border fence with Gaza remain all but empty.
Barak: There are many rockets. Our people have been attacked before. We disagree with Hamas. We do not have a problem with the Gaza Strip. Oglu: Were the dead civilians in Flotilla directing missiles towards you? How can you kill them? Turkey is not any state. Turkey has the strength...
Livio, Oren
After Lull in Gaza, Airstrikes Are Resumed ; Israel Intercepts 4 Rockets after Bombing Hamas Targets; Evacuations UrgedEgypt's failed effort to halt the hostilities in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict signifies that...Rudoren, Jodi