Potatoes are gluten-free, but that does not mean that French fries are also gluten-free. When it comes to French fries, you buy from the frozen aisle or order at a restaurant; therefore it depends upon the ingredients and preparation if these are gluten-free or not. For example, beer-...
An airline strike one winter sent me driving to Mexico, which then became habit, and before long, I would find myself spending ten days or so several times a year at the Hotel Villa Montaña in Morelia. And before you knew it, one thing led to another, which made all those repeat t...
I don’t think the Wright brothers had this in mind. Their ideals were meant for the world to experience the invention of flight, to soar above the clouds, look down at the beauty from above, and feel free. It was a way to get people from point A to point B, to connect people to...
As the sprout begins taking energy from the endosperm, the changes that take place alter the carbohydrates, and it breaks down the gluten making it easier to digest for people who otherwise might have difficulty with wheat in general. The tools are simple. There are a large variety of suita...
(1) Gluten Free Cookies (1) Gluten-free (1) Gnarly Head Zinfandel (1) Gnocchi a la Vodka (3) Gnocchi with Sauage (1) Gnocchi with Tomatoes (1) Golden Semolina-Quinoa-Spinach Cakes (1) Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food (3) Graham Elliot (2) Granola (1) Granola Bar (1) Grant Achatz (...
(1) Gluten Free Cookies (1) Gluten-free (1) Gnarly Head Zinfandel (1) Gnocchi a la Vodka (3) Gnocchi with Sauage (1) Gnocchi with Tomatoes (1) Golden Semolina-Quinoa-Spinach Cakes (1) Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food (3) Graham Elliot (2) Granola (1) Granola Bar (1) Grant Achatz (...
Simply being “gluten free” isn’t enough. As with any gathering of human beings, Celiacs will have differing opinions. Don’t even get me started on the posers. I can honestly say though, that by and large, the Dude community is supportive and well informed. Reply Ken September 10,...
(1) Gluten Free Cookies (1) Gluten-free (1) Gnarly Head Zinfandel (1) Gnocchi a la Vodka (3) Gnocchi with Sauage (1) Gnocchi with Tomatoes (1) Golden Semolina-Quinoa-Spinach Cakes (1) Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food (3) Graham Elliot (2) Granola (1) Granola Bar (1) Grant Achatz (...