Drawing on information from four recent national and two state-level population-based surveys, the analyses suggest that there are more than 8 million adults in the US who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual, comprising 3.5% of the adult population. There are also nearly 700,000 transgender individua...
gay neighborhoods are often perceived as “gay ghettoes” (Levine1979) that may be curious or fun to visit, although populated by “different” or “weird” people—affectionately
Empowering People Who Are Gay and Lesbian in the Context of Christian Community: The Use of Narratives in Bridging the Social Divide Between Personal Faith and Institutional OppressionBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksHeath B. Walters
The latter includes responses bisexual, homosexual/lesbian/gay, not sure, and other (Sinophone survey) and bisexual, homosexual/lesbian/gay, polysexual/pansexual, not sure, and other (Anglophone survey). This managed the fact that polysexual/pansexual was not included in the Sinophone survey ...
An exploratory survey of the experiences of homophobic bullying among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered young people in Ireland While developments have been made concerning the understanding of general bullying behaviour in Irish schools, considerably less is known about homophobic ... SJ Minton,...
I think that gay/lesbian people are abnormal but many dont find it abnormal. Probably depends on your comfort zone and level of exposure to that kind of lifestyle. Feeling abnormal does't mean prejudice, hatred, unfairness or rudeness, it means shyness or uncomfortable. I dont like TV and ...
WELCOME TO THE GAYBORHOOD The article discusses the reasons behind the decision of a number of gay people in the U.S. to live in suburbs. Gay couple Jean-Marie Navetta and Jude Medeiros have decided to live in Sterling, Virginia, a Washington, D.C. suburb. The in... J Christensen,J...
It must be awful, being a homophobe. Having to spend all that time obsessing about what gay people might be doing with their genitals. Seeing it in your mind, over and over again, in high-definition close-up. Bravely you masturbate, to make the pictures go away, but to no avail. The...
Despite the recent rise of same-sex marriage and other gay rights, a substantial number of social conservatives in the US still believe that homosexuality is either a choice or a result of a person's upbringing, or both. In new research, Liz Suhay examines how attitudes towards whether homose...
we'd be doing even better if more of this stuff was actually in the game itself, but that doesn't change the fact that anyone who playsOverwatchfor the first time is welcomed into this wild and weird world of heroes by a gay man and a lesbian. That's a claim no other shooter can...