Ultimately, the Snapdragon X Elite laptops are powerful AI PCs. Thus, their performance and great speed in editing content show how far this technology has progressed. However, compared to the demos, the devices featuring the Snapdragon X Elite chips might have a lower performance based on their...
Dave has had his head in PCs and gaming laptops for a couple of decades now, and knows what makes them tick, and what makes the best gaming laptop for every budget. Whether it's about looking for the highest performance, the best value, best screen, or just the best build quality, Da...
Gaming Desktop: Are Gaming Laptops Good Enough? FAQ Tech advancements are making the gaming laptop vs. desktop decision less difficult. There are now more compelling reasons to stick with your preference and less room for regrets. If you’re like me, you’ll want to enjoy the freedom of ...
The best gaming PC is a thing I've been wrestling with since I re-joined PC Gamer getting on for five years ago. It's impossible to test every single configuration and maker of gaming PC that is on offer, and so we can only ever offer a snapshot based on the machines that we have...
These are the two most powerful gaming laptops in the world right nowAntonio VillasBoas
Shop HP Gaming Laptops Now STORAGE Whenever you multitask, even simple tasks like listening to music while working, your laptop reads and writes data to its storage drive. Slow write and read speeds hamper its performance and responsiveness. That's why the best laptop for gaming and work shou...
from gaming to business applications and everything in between. but they can be less portable than smaller laptops due to their size and weight. it typically has the same internals as the more expensive desktops and can often run for hours without needing to be recharged. what are the advanta...
The latest Intel-powered gaming laptops have 6-core processors and Nvidia graphics cards in thinner and lighter models
It’s not hard to see where all the resources and attention are going. AI is the talk of the town, and lately, it’s where the money’s at. I wouldn’t complain if we got more of those not-strictly-AI gaming laptops this year, but when it comes down to it, what kind of upgra...
Make no mistake — there will always be room for proper gaming laptops. No one’s pretending this new crop of Tiger Lake laptops will extinguish the need for high refresh rates, RGB lighting, and powerful discrete GPUs. That would be true even if these integrated graphics again double in pe...