A. snakes(蛇),有些蛇确实是有毒的,比如眼镜蛇等,此选项符合逻辑。B. frogs(青蛙),大部分青蛙是无毒的,只有少部分特殊种类的青蛙有毒,相比之下,不是普遍意义上 “一些青蛙有毒” 这种表述,所以该选项不太合适。C. turtles(乌龟),乌龟通常是无毒的,所以该选项不符合题意。
The frogs are blue-black with a bright yellow ring around their head and back, which may be broken or joined to form a figure eight. Like a fingerprint, the pattern is unique to each frog.Predators generally learn that such brightly colored frogs are poisonous and tend to avoid them.But ...
Frogs in general, fertilize externally. The male uses its forelimbs and grips the female firmly either from the front of the hind legs or back of the arms. In the case of the Epipedobates tricolor, they hold around the neck. They stay in amplexus, keeping the cloacae close to each oth...
Are dead cane toads still poisonous? Can queen ants sting? Do rattlesnakes eat frogs? are poinsettias poisonous to cats? Do giant spider crabs live in the midnight zone? Are basking sharks harmless? Are chameleons native to Australia?
Are baby cane toads poisonous? Are dead cane toads still poisonous? Are cane toads endangered? Do cane toads have any predators? Are Sonoran Desert toads poisonous to humans? Do cane toads eat frogs? Do cane toads croak? Do cane toads burrow?
The bright colour warns other animals that the frog is poisonous (有毒的) , so they stay away. These tiny frogs are very poisonous! One frog has enough poison to kill 100 people.The colours of the rainforest are beautiful to us, but to the animals they are very important.They help ...
(缠绕) around all over its target,increasing the pressure until eventually its victim dies.It has over 100sharp teeth.They don't have poison.Sometimes it prefers to camouflage itself so it looks like its surroundings and swiftly draws back when humans are near.Poisonous FrogsThe Golden Poison ...
阅读理解 What are the most poisonous (有毒的) animals in the world? The box jellyfish is widely regarded to be the most poisonous animal whose toxin (毒素) can cause heart attacks. Cobras, typically found in the jungles of India and China, can kill somebody in a very short time and ...
Are amphibians poisonous to humans?Amphibians:Amphibians are semi-aquatic animals that undergo a transformation during their life cycle. As young, they live in the water and breathe through gills but later they develop lungs and leave the water. Amphibians include frogs, toads, caecilians, ...
Multiple health benefits for people have made aloe a popular houseplant. However, it is poisonous to cats and dogs because of a compound called aloin, which draws additional water into the intestines of the animal when consumed. Vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, a loss of appetite, a change in ur...