Raccoons are legal to own with a permit in NJ but cannot come from the wild—they must come from a licensed breeder—but this is a good thing due to rabies concerns. Be aware thatraccoons will likely be euthanizedif they bite or scratch a member of the public to test for rabies because...
foxes, coyotes, lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, bears, bobcats, hawks, wolves and wolf hybrids, crocodiles and alligators, and vipers.7 Other, non-dangerous animals that can amount to illegal pet ownership include: zebras, certain non-native snails, lemurs, and other primates. You may not...
According to the DEC all stinging insects, except honey bees, are illegal to own. All venomous spiders, including, but not limited to, tarantula, black widow, and solifugid; scorpion; all venomous arthropods are illegal to own in New York. Turtles reptiles4all Turtles In New York State it...
the little fellow the little foxes the little girl asked the little girl goes the little girl in th the little one the little orphan bec the living arts centr the living room furni the lmff cultural pro the lmperial cannon t the lnner mongolia au the load of the rings the loch the log...
10 Venomous Pets That Are Legal to Own By Melissa A SmithApr 6, 2023 Exotic Pets A Guide to Legally Owning and Caring for a Pet Otter By Melissa A SmithAug 23, 2024 Exotic Pets 10 Legal Exotic Pets That Pose No Threat to Public Safety ...
Feel like you need a pet that is more unique than a dog or cat? Here are 10 exotic pets and states where they are legal to own.
Foxes While foxes fall into the same category as wild animals just like the coyote, there are permits you can obtain to legally own one. Fennec Foxes Getty Images Fennec Foxes Not native to Oklahoma, you can own a fennec fox without a permit in the state. ...
I just find it somewhat amazing that a creature that large is out in the wild and that some people have found ways to live with them. And apparently, there are six states where you can make this happen. States Where It Is Legal To Own A Bear As A Pet ...
Foxes Just like the raccoon, this is another wild animal that is illegal to possess in New York. However, there is one exception,Fennec foxes. They are legal exotic pets because they are even-tempered, without an aggressive streak, and can almost be a substitute for a dog. ...
People needn't get too alarmed over an overpopulation. Small mammal populations tend to explode, then crash and burn. Such is life near the bottom of the food chain, where food supply ebbs and flows and chipmunks are easy prey for owls, hawks, snakes, foxes and raccoons. Even if thei...