Still, it's not the size of the cane toad itself that makes it a problem. Instead, the danger lies in the bufotoxin released from cane toads as their defense mechanism against perceived threats. This substance is poisonous to animals of all kinds, and it can even be deadly. Not only a...
- Banned pets: bear, tiger, leopard, monkey, ape, wolf, poisonous reptile, monkey Like many other states, New Hampshire bans bears, tigers, leopards, monkeys, apes, wolves, poisonous reptiles, and monkeys. Permits are required for some but not all species if you own a chinchilla, ferret,...
Fungus gnats are a small species of insect that is similar in size to a fruit fly. They lay their eggs in the soil near the roots of plants and can hatch up to 200 eggs at a time.Answer and Explanation: Become a member to unlock this answer! Create your account View thi...
- Banned pets: general wildlife, non-native poisonous snakes Delaware residents cannot own wildlife not native to or generally found in Delaware without a special permit. Non-native poisonous snakes are also specifically banned. Those who break the law face a fine of up to $500 and/or a pris...