In Virginia, it's illegal to own non-native exotic animals that are considered predatory or undesirable as a pet. According to the state, non-native exotic animals include, but are not limited to: bears, wolves, coyotes, weasels, badgers, hyenas, all species of non-domesticated cats, alliga...
Owning a chimpanzee is illegal in most states throughout the country. According to data compiled by MSU's Animal Legal and Historical Center,great ape laws by statevary greatly — Alabama, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, West Virginia and Wyoming allow private possession, according t...
It's legal to own Kangaroos in Texas, and there is relatively little red tape to deal with as they do not fall under the Dangerous Wild Animal category. These feisty Australian marsupials are high-maintenance and will need a significant amount of time and effort to ensure they are contained....