先是,#谷爱凌的MBTI是INTJ#登上热搜,引发大家热烈讨论。 起因是,谷爱凌在一档采访里说: “我说我是个内向的人,网上大家都不信,但我的MBTI是INTJ。” 与此同时,热搜上还有很多不太常见的字母:mbti、intj、infp…… 紧接着,#杨幂的MBTI是ENFP#也登上热搜,大家又是讨论一番。 最近,这MBTI测试是真的火了,甚...
If ENFPs are surrounded by judgmental and controlling people, they will be constantly annoyed. Having too many rules placed on them and their relationships, is certainly irritating for the ENFP. Although ENFPs are social creatures, they can often be seen as the more independent extroverts. They...
ENFP ENFPs are enthusiastic and eager people, who enjoy being able to experience new things. ENFPs do spend a lot of time inside their own minds, which causes them to be rather introspective. They like to sift through their thoughts and feelings, and work to better understand what they tru...
We design and create original, high quality, fun quizzes and games, covering personality, knowledge, relationships and more. We hope that through our quizzes and interactive games, you’ll have fun with your friends, learn lots of interesting facts, and even get to know yourself a little ...
What are the Myers-Briggs 16 personality types and what do they mean? Here’s a quick breakdown of what each personality type means in the Myers-Briggs universe. INTJmeaning INTJ types are thoughtful, intuitive thinkers who like to work on their own. They tend to focus on ideas over people...
Hi, Barbara. I’m new to your site but I saw the name of your blog on Lance’s post through CommentLuv (something I need to get). I was intrigued because I am a primo introvert (Myers-Briggs INTJ). Even though I am quite social and can enjoy very rich and rewarding friendships wi...
INTPs are constantly looking to understand life and its complexities, making existential intelligence a top priority for them. 5. Interpersonal intelligence, INFJ, ENFJ, ENFP For those of us blessed with good interpersonal intelligence, communication is easy. This intelligence type is skilled at both...
ENFP and INFP You're energized by new ideas and can imagine yourself in a million different careers. So, for a while, a lazy girl job will suit you–especially if it gives you plenty of time to explore your creative passions. Word of warning though: once the novelty wears off, you...
Which one are you? List Of 60+ ISFP Fictional Characters 50+ INFP Fictional Characters 50+ INFJ Fictional Characters 50+ INTJ Fictional Characters 50+ Famous ENTP Fictional Characters 50+ ENFP Fictional Characters 50+ INTP Fictional Characters 50+ ISTP Fictional Characters...
ENFP"Anything's Possible" INFP"Still Waters Run Deep" ENTJ"Everything's Fine -- I'm in Charge" INTJ"Competence + Independence = Perfection" ENTP"Life's Entrepreneurs" INTP"Ingenious Problem Solvers" ESTJ"Taking Care of Business" ISTJ"Take Your Time and Do It Right" ...