The sun is burning a hole in Americans' wallets. Back-to-back months of heat records and sweltering days have contributed to rising electricity costs, and experts say that without action, it's a problem that will likely only get worse. ...
“We knew in the middle of last week that this was going to be a historic Texas storm, and we were largely prepared for the storm itself. Our stations started booking hotel rooms last Friday and Saturday, for what we knew would be extended hotel stays near our stations,” said Ramsey. ...
During the course of my travels to African countries over the last decade, I have often experienced first-hand the local challenges over electricity and power shortages. This is one of the many paradoxes of Africa. DPRK can learn plenty from China's reform and opening up A brand new era ...
Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US. Since lighting is often far removed from the power source(电源)-such as the distance from a power plant to street lamps on a remote highway-a lot of energy is lost during transmission(传输).Glowing plants could re...
Balch & Bingham is proud to sponsor the Association of Corporate Counsel Houston (ACC) Energy Practice Group’s upcoming CLE, "The Future of Electricity in Texas: How are We Going to Keep the Lights On?," on September 14, 2023. Todd Kimbrough, partner in the firm’s Austin office and...
The city committed to use entirely zero emission electricity by 2050, with all city operations going de-carbonized by 2030, and has benchmarking tools in place where buildings’ energy use is reported each year. “We realize that in order for us to address this and mitigate the problem, we...
Hardy growth in electric demand by industrial consumers inTexas, and by residential and commercial customers there, has boosted TNMP earnings, foreshadowing a lot more TNMP growth going forward, saidPNM ResourcesPresident and Chief Operating OfficerDon Tarry. ...
These include local electricity rates, the overall cost of your system and whether you pay upfront, take out a loan or lease your system. Changing compensation rates with your local utility or an unexpected lapse in your system’s performance may also extend your payback period. In these rare...
output — five household activities (electricity use, home heating, transportation, food, and waste (yes, trash)) in the U.S. actually make up around 40% of the total greenhouse gas emissions for our country. But even better, research shows that learning about your own carbon footprint and...