Ground cover plants can be used as a substitute for grass and other greenery. Plant these plants where growing grass and other turf is problematic, especially in places that have shade or are narrow. Leave appropriate space between plants, so they don’t compete for root space and nutrients. ...
What trees are safe to plant near a house? Best Trees to Plant Near Houses American holly (zones 5-9): A low-maintenance evergreen tree. American hornbeam (zones 3-9): A small, slow-growing member of the birch family. Cornelian-cherry dogwood (Zones 4-7): An excellent small tree wit...
The best time to prune a dogwood tree is late fall or early spring, just before the new growth starts. Generally this is around March. After pruning, dogwood trees typically undergo fast growth, particularly if planted in well-drained, high-organic soil, with lots of morning sun. how-to-p...
14. Pink Dogwood I love dogwood trees. They are a smaller shade tree that is really cute just to look at because of their petite frame. But this dogwood is a little different as the flowers on it are pink. This will definitely add some color to your yard as wel...
Red Twig Dogwood. Dogwoods are some of the best trees and shrubs around (yes, they are considered both trees and shrubs, depending on the variety). ... Crape Myrtle. Bees adore it, butterflies love it, and it's a staple in the south. ... ...
Yellow is one of my favorite colors, so when choosing flowering trees I look for ones that will give me a lot of yellow flowers. I like the way the yellow flowers look when the sun is shining on them. If you have a penchant for yellow, consider either the golden trumpet or the golde...