Daylilies are edible. They are often usedin Asian cuisine, both fresh and dried. You can pluck the young shoots, boil the tubers like potatoes, or add the colorful daylily flowers to your salads. Lilies, on the other hand, are highly toxic. Many cats have died from kidney failure by ...
The entire daffodil plant is considered toxic, but the bulb is the worst part. Be careful when planting bulbs if your dog is with you. My dog Riley thinks everything round is a ball and sometimes I have to use caution to make sure she does not pick up something harmful. Daffodils cause...
This is a very simple method taught to me when I was in boarding school and studying. It was in the days when we had no computers. Everything had to be written down. We had textbooks to study from, and then the big day of examinations. Spelling was important One thing we were taught...
Tulip bulbs are more toxic than the actual flower and its leaves. They can cause stomach upset, with the severity depending on how much is eaten. 6. BUTTERCUP A creeping buttercup. (Laura Brolis/Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0) This tiny flower is toxic to cats, dogs, horses and ...
Level of Toxicity to Dogs:Mild to Moderate Common Symptoms to Watch For:Vomiting, Drooling, Nausea, Abdominal Discomfort, Respiratory Distress Amaryllis plants has different variety of names like belladona lily, jersey lily, march lily, amarillo. These plants are flowering bulbs and common in gard...
Easter daisy (Townsendia sericea)- This plant is considered non-toxic. Easter orchid Easter orchid (Cattleya mossiae)- This plant is considered non-toxic. Easter lily cactus Easter lily cactus (Echinopsis multiplex)- This plant is considered non-toxic. ...