Cornish Rock Hens Are Ahead of the GameA COOK can learn a lot from the Internet.Such as: Why does a chicken cross the theater?She's...By CornellAdrian
What age do hens go broody? Broodiness is a natural chicken instinct that happens to some chickens every year, and others not at all. It switches on as soon as they're old enough to lay,between five and eight months old. Certain breeds of hens are more broody than others. How do you...
the native egg-type Russian White (RUW) and meat-type White Cornish (WCR), using the Chicken 50K_CobbCons chip [10]. RUW (Fig.1A) is one of the distinctive native egg-type breeds developed by crossing the White Leghorn and local Russian laying hens and bred for egg production...
Hassle-Free Holiday Cornish Hens are easy alternatives.(Knight Ridder Newspapers)Selasky, Susan