Which layer of the eye contains rods and cones? Which glial cells compose the choroid plexus? Which membrane covers the anterior sclera of the eye? What cells make the myelin sheath of a cranial nerve? What glial cells are found in the peripheral nervous system?
The correct answer is:b) cones; bright light The cones contain three chemicals that are activated in bright light. Cones are how we see color. Cones...
are to vision. a. horizontal cells b. ganglion cells c. bipolar cells d. rods and cones Sensory receptors: Sensory receptors are specialized cells found in several areas of the nervous system. These function to allow individuals to detect ...
Pupil, optic nerve, rods and cones, retina, and occipital lobe of the brain. B. Lens, pupil, retina, rods and cones, and occipital lobe of the brain. C. Pupil, lens, retina, rods and cones, optic nerve, and oc...