the military training assessment organized by the base was distributed to various battalions and companies in advance, including assessment standards, scoring rules, general and random examination courses. Cadre backbone shall refer to the assessment rules and combine their own training situation to prepar...
If she were impervious to pain, and glided through life in blissful ignorance that she was unwanted and mistreated, she would not be brave or innocent or sensitive, she would be a mythical creature- yet the rest of the series would have us believe she’s human. She’s had to fight for...
The human drama in the story made it easily recognizable as a David vs. Goliath narrative. Here was a ragtag band of mom-and-pop—or, in this case, millennial—investors going up against the hedge fund billionaires. And, just as it seemed they may actually have an effect, the full powe...
But even while Bendell and co. can get a bit carried away with their sub-arguments in Breaking Together, its overall thrust is clear and compelling. Many of the world�s natural and human-made systems, which combine to make up �industrial consumer society�, a...
In my view, the problem is not Israel or this or that, but rather the problem is within each and every individual human being of every nation, including the Jewish people, that was ever or will ever be born. That problem is hubris, the thought that we, created beings, can supercede th...
The explanations given by interviewees for weak policy implementation vary. They include: poor governance of the energy sector; high dependence on individual initiative rather than institutional direction; low human resource capacity in government departments; failure to adequately incentivise and challenge ...
A: For the same reason that other bobbles are... some sort of human nature hoarding propensity. When the quantity of the specific addiction far exceeds the arguable functional need by 1, 2, 3... orders of magnitude... we simply change the moniker from user to "collector". And psycholog...
Clearly, per the satellite data, the hysterical IPCC prediction that human CO2 emissions would cause dangerous, accelerating sea level rise and swamp Pacific Ocean islands is totally discredited. Not only has human CO2 not unleashed catastrophic sea level rises (i.e. climate change), human emission...
“You’re not going to necessarily see in some sort of analysis that here’s the voting bloc he brings along, but in terms of the overall character of his own story, and his own journey, but to combine that with an authentic message that he delivers,” Ramaswamy continued, “I t...
“You’re not going to necessarily see in some sort of analysis that here’s the voting bloc he brings along, but in terms of the overall character of his own story, and his own journey, but to combine that with an authentic message that he delivers,” Ramaswamy continued, “...