Chiropractors don’t have the same training as doctors. They cannot issue prescriptions or order advanced imaging. They do not undergo lifelong peer review or open themselves to monthly morbidity audits. I know that doctors could do with a dose of humility, but I can’t find any evidence (...
Just in case the compounded ones don’t work. Also, my RT3 is 19 which is high. But when I went down on NP thyroid and added in T3 my adrenals got worse. So, i am trying milk thistle with dandelion root now to get down the RT3, but i have to be careful as detoxing makes me...
Some people confuse the ability to write prescriptions as a hallmark of being a "doctor"- the truth is that a nurse practitioner and physician assistants write them all of the time and they are not doctors, they have the equivalent of a Masters Degree. Hope that clears this up a bit. ...