A chapter titled “Down the Rabbit Hole” coined the phrase that is now used to describe becoming so obsessed with something that you start to lose your grip on reality. We all know what that’s like,thanks to the internet. One particular rabbit hole “The Matrix” has pushed people into...
chapter (string): Name or title of the chapter the video belongs to chapter_number (numeric): Number of the chapter the video belongs to chapter_id (string): Id of the chapter the video belongs toAvailable for the video that is an episode of some series or programme:...
Cambridge et al. - (1991). (Ed.) Philosophical Applications of Free Logic. New York/Oxford. - (1990). "Noneism or allism?", Mind, 99, pp.23-31.Lavine, S. (1998). Understanding the Infinite, Cambridge/MA, 2nd...
Exemplary most recently Leïla Slimani (2022, p. 97). First quoted is Pier Paolo Pasolini: “Venice is in its death throes.” To then add: “Venice too is about to die. To look at this city means to witness a death struggle.” An interesting—though not completely new—afterthought: ...
% \begin{macrocode} \def\jfile{} \ask{\yn}{^^JInclude file(s) for extra journal names? (NO)} \mytempfalse \if!\yn!\else\if\yn n\else\if\yn N\else\mytemptrue\fi\fi\fi \ifmytemp \MBaskfile{^^JFile to include}(physjour,geojour,photjour.mbs)o\jfile \edef\jfile{\froot,...
Chapter 8/ Lesson 5 126K Learn about different types of citations used in writing. Discover how to write citations, how to create in-text citations and the importance of using citations. Related to this Question It is necessary to cite a source because ...
Aside from the this final chapter about the initial occupation period after the war, there are many parallels between Other Ranks and Soul Wounds. Both focus on a single young infantryman, both stay tightly bound to the experience of being in the front lines, being in combat, with few and ...
In a chapter that profiles country musician Steve Earle, D’Erasmo quotes the psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott: In the artist of all kinds, I think one can detect an inherent dilemma, which belongs to the co-existence of two trends, the urgent need to communicate and the still more urgent ...
But beyond this frame, Romains reproduces in large part the chapter-by-chapter structure of the first book in the last. People watch sign-painters at work in 1908, watch an actress in her bath in a silent film in the first; in the last, they gather around an avertisement for false ...
The excerpt is from the first chapter ofThe Book of Eliabwithin the novel. It was originally written as the opening ofThe Prince’s Psalmand found it’s home at the beginning of the section named for David’s eldest bother Eliab which focuses on David’s family life. I chose it because...