aPlastics are made from water which is a natural resource inexhaustible and available everywhere, coal which can be mined through automatic and mechanical processes and lime which can be obtained from the calcinations of limestone widely present in nature. 塑料由是自然资源无尽和可利用到处的水,可以...
【题目】你知道吗?(1).What are books made of?A.Paper.B.Water.(2).Who's the inventor(发明家) of paper?A.Chinese people.B.American people. 答案 【解析】(1).a【解析】此题是两个小学生的对话,男同学问女同学“书是由什么做成的?”,答案是“纸”,选A。(2).a【解析】“纸的发明家是...
因此全文的主旨句是“Clouds are made of small drops of water or tiny pieces of ice.”故答案是Clouds are made of small drops of water or tiny pieces of ice. water水,是不可数名词;changes into变成...;ice冰,是不可数名词;if如果,引导条件状语从句;gets变得,是系动词;cold enough足够冷。故此句...
The cell is the smallest unit of life. From the single cell of an amoeba to the trillions of cells that make up elephants and whales, all are made of very similar materials. Their shape and function might be different, but inside, cells have some fundamental similarities. Onion cells under...
“Our bodies are made mainly of water, and it helps many different functions in the body,” Patel says. These include: Lubricating the joints. Flushing toxins out of the body. Keeping your skin glowing and preventing it from becoming irritated. Maintaining good brain function. Aiding digestion....
Two far-off planets are likely made of water, according to NASA’s research. They’re “unlike any planets found in our solar system”. The system they studied is called Kepler-138 because it’s located within the field of vision of NASA’s Kepler spacecraft. Researchers have known about...
A Cloud is made of water drops or ice crystals floating (漂浮) in the sky. There are many kinds of cloud. Clouds are of great importance to Earth’s weather. The sky can be full of water. But most of the time you can’t see the water. The drops of water are too small to see...
because they only have one cell Why are smaller cells more efficient? They have a smaller volume with a bigger surface area so there is a higher area to exchange materials through the cell membrane like food, oxygen, water and waste
The kites were made 6 from the others and when they flew they made 7 . The enemies were afraid and 8 . They thought those strange sounds were made by gods (神) in the sky. 9 good luck and to make their crops tall and rich. Sometimes they would fly the kites 10 the water ...
allowthestudentstousetheirmicroscopestostudytheorganismsinpondwater. DavidGrape IntroductiontoMicroscopes Alllivingthingsaremadeupofcells.Someorganisms,suchasbacteria,aremade upofonlyonecell.Theyaremuchtoosmalltobeseenwiththenakedeyealone. Theorganismsarecalledmicroorganisms! Howcanweseeandstudysuchtinyorganismsorth...