Many car insurance companies perform credit checks before giving drivers their rates, and having poor credit can drive up rates when compared to drivers with excellent credit, according to The Zebra. "The difference in average auto insurance rates between the lowest level of credit and the highest...
American motorists are spending less on fuel than a year ago, but any savings are likely being gobbled up by soaring car insurance premiums. Although prices at the pump in December were nearly 2% lower than a year ago, auto insurance rates jumped 20% over the same period, Labor Departmentd...
Although U.S. Route 1 is well-known for its scenic views, it is also infamous for its high car accident rates. This road covers the entire east coast of Florida, and it is also often claimed to be one of the state’s deadliest roads, as over 400 deaths have occurred he...
Car insurance fraudis a nationwide concern that can cost unsuspecting policyholders thousands of dollars in higher car insurance rates and surprise fees — or even put their lives at risk. Some car insurance scams, such as staged car crashes, are apparent and dangerous. Others are much harder ...
You may not be able to control gas prices, but you can control other car-related expenses. Lowering your auto insurance premiums can help you save each month. Car insurance rates vary based on numerous factors, including your credit, driving habits and the insurance company. Use a tool like...
They’ve come from a police officer responding to a car accident. They’ve come from an urgent care employee loudly using the wrong name and pronouns. They’ve come from the people in the waiting room who overheard. “It just feels gross because I’ve worked...
A new report shows homebuyers in Modesto and Stockton, are paying around 30% more for their new homes than what they're worth. The report, done by Florida Atlantic University's College of Business, lists Stockton as the second highest for homebuyers. They are paying around 27% more than ...
Ultimately, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is a crucial component of insurance coverage in Florida. It ensures that all parties involved in a car accident can receive timely medical treatment and compensation for their injuries, regardless of who is at fault. ...
A scathing report from the New York Times reveals that insurers may know when you brake hard, accelerate quickly, or speed, and could turn that information against you
A break in their employ- ment,or a decision to work part time,will slow its raises 25 and promotions -- because it would for men. Second,will 26 male-dominated companies elevate women to higher- paid jobs at the different rates as they elevate men? In some fields, 27 this had clearly...