【1】Why were the three northern white rhinos brought to the conservancy in Kenya? A. To protect them from being killed by the armed guards. B. To ensure that they live better in a natural environment. C. To keep the conservation a good balance of nature. ...
But worse was to follow. Having taken over the countryside, the new bees, with their dangerous stings (叮) , began to attack its neighbors—cats , dogs, horses, chickens and finally man himself. A long period of terror began that has so far killed a great number of animals and about ...
Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. 蜜糖是甜的,但蜜蜂会螫人。 Honour and profit lie not in one sack. 荣誉和利益不能并存。 Honours change manners. 荣誉能改变人的礼貌。 Honour to whom honour is due. 荣誉归于应得荣誉的人。 Hope deferred makes the heart sick. 希望迟迟未实现,使人心烦意...
About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier; only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman! There are different forms of color blindness. In