She needs someone there to cheer her on.cheer someone on:为某人打气,声援某人柯林斯英语释义:When you cheer someone on, you shout loudly in order to encourage them, for example when they are taking part in a game.例句:A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on. Most wil...
KI-WOO (CONT’D) I’m here to prepare you for the real thing. I’m not here to help you learn. I’m here to help you score. 18. 15 INT. MANSION - KITCHEN - EVENING CLOSE ON a thick money envelope being handed to Ki-Woo. YON-KYO I’ll pay you each month on this ...
Finally last week I got too bored to stand it any longer, so Pa said I must take a trip and have a good time.So I came up here to get me some frocks made and then I’m going over to Charleston to visit my aunt.It’ll be lovely to go to balls again.” There, she thought w...
sewn up and it had to hang there for weeks while being cared for 24/7 by a veterinary team. The woman dutifully followed all instructions from all the vets. The bill was, as they said in the old Space Balls movie, "Beyond Ludicrous". ...
who would have preferred to play with the dirt. Dad needed to stop and smell the rose-colored flowers of the hummingbird sages. If he didn’t care for those, he could have chosen the chaparral peas, the silver puffs, the wooly Indian paintbrushes, the wooly blue curls, the scorpionweed...
2000 beautiful birds, which we could see, hear and definitely smell!From the cliffs we were at eye level with these magnificent birds as they flew effortlessly by.The gannets are still mating and laying eggs, so no chicks yet. Gannet chicks are amazing. They turn into fat fluff balls, ...
Usually members of Congress have 200,000 tickets they hand out to constituents, but this time only a single guest was allowed to attend with members. There was no parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. Nor were there any inaugural balls for the first time since 1949. The Walter E. Washington ...
The very first day I wore it, the fabric - polyester - under the arms and by the pockets/side areas where a purse would rest - piled really bad with a lot of those fuzzy little lint balls. Just with one use/wear. When I went to the store - with the coat and even the tag I ...
Dogs are built to smell Pooriwat Muangwong // Shutterstock Dogs are built to smell A dog's sense of smell is more sensitive than that of humans. A dog's nose contains around800 different types of olfactory receptor cells, which is abouttwice as many as in humans.The olfactory bulb, the...
Flavour wise, it is similar to its cousin, the green cabbage ( Chinese or otherwise ), mild and sweet with a crisp and crunchy texture. You can use it as you would use plain cabbage, one notable difference being that it doesn’t seem to have the strong sulphuric smell generally associate...