frontman Phil Elverum recorded on a 16-track analog tape. Nature was an essential element of the album, as was the Pacific Northwest, where "The Glow Pt. 2" was recorded
Internet resources, as an access point to personal computers, have been the focus of much criminal activities for extortion, blackmail, or identity theft since the advent of organized crime. This can come in the form of computer viruses, distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), spyware, an...
Twitter, Facebook, Apple, graphic design, or any other aspect of technology you won’t want to miss this podcast. This podcast steers away from the analog and into the world of digital evangelization
Using the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) as an analog is misleading. We don’t know what caused it, although hypotheses have been proposed. However, we must consider that the PETM took place during a warm (hothouse) period of the planet, while currently we are in a cold (icehous...