What kind of chemical bond produces crystalline lattices? Are covalent compounds crystalline solids? Are all metals crystalline solids? Are liquid crystals solids? How do molecules in a solid differ from those in a liquid or gas? Do crystalline solids have high or low melting points?
Understanding magnetism is essential if you want to know why some metals are attracted to magnets and others aren't. The motion of electrons in an atom produces a small magnetic field, but ordinarily, this field is cancelled out by the motion of other electrons and their opposing magnetic fiel...
Ferrimagnetic Metals and Magnetism Some materials are classed as ferrimagnetic. This occurs when an ionic compound has two lattices of material with opposing magnetic moments, but the two are not completely balanced, leading to a net magnetization. Magnetite provides an example of this type of magn...
Ionic bonds form between atoms with very different electronegativity values. Ionic compounds form crystal lattices containing positively charged cation and negatively-charged anions. Ionic bonds form between metals and nonmetals. Because ions are fixed in place in a lattice, ionic solids don't conduct ...
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yond the material (processing) limits, because steel, cast iron, non-ferrous heavy metals, and light metals dominate everyday production. And magnesium is coming increasingly into play and is a metal one naturally also wants to process. What metalworking practitioners are looking for is an all-...
Corrosion is the collective term for all chemical and electrochemical processes that return metals to their lower Gibbs free energy states. This phenomenon is largely caused by electrochemical processes, in which electrons move between two half-cell reactions [78,79,80]....