Therefore, non-antibiotic inhibitors of eukaryotic STPKs inhibited specifically just one or two bacterial STPKs thus reverting antibiotic resistance in Gram-positive as well as Gram-negative bacteria. It is an open question why the inhibitors just interact with specific bacterial STPKs, e.g. with ...
IsoalloLCA exerted potent antimicrobial effects against Gram-positive (but not Gram-negative) multidrug-resistant pathogens, including Clostridioides difficile and Enterococcus faecium. These findings suggest that the metabolism of specific bile acids may be involved in reducing the risk of infection ...
The basal body is a set of rings embedded in the cell wall and plasma membrane. It consists of 2 pairs of rings in Gram-Negative bacteria and 1 pair of rings in Gram-Positive bacteria. It synthesizes polymers of the flagellum, produces energy for revolution, and regulates movements of the...
Genes for mannose uptake (M00276: PTS system, mannose-specific II component) were less abundant; while subtle, this likely reflects the shift from a predominately Gram-positive community to Gram-negative, as sugar transport and metabolism is primarily attributed to the early tooth-colonizing Gram-...
Motility assays and microscopy studies reveal that Streptomyces spores are transported to plant tissues by interacting directly with the flagella of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Genetics experiments demonstrate that this form of motility is facilitated by structural proteins on the spore...
(35%) dominated at 9305 m. Previous studies suggested that γ-Proteobacteria were the main microbial group in the deep sea of the Mariana Trench [16]. However, the RNA-based taxonomic profiling in this study revealed that Actinobacteria, α-Proteobacteria, and β-Proteobacteria groups had higher...
Aerobic denitrifying using actinobacterial consortium: Novel denitrifying microbe and its application 2023, Science of the Total Environment Citation Excerpt : Previous studies had confirmed that Streptomyces sp. might contain nitrite-degrading enzyme encoded by the nirK gene, which was one of the crucial...
indicatesthatthesetaxabelongtotheRubrobactersubdivisionoftheActinobacteria.EM ofthecellwallclearlyshowedmorphologytypicalofGram-positivebacteria.Acomparisonof16S rRNAgenesequences,includingsignaturenucleotidepairsandsecondarystructuralfeatures considereddiagnosticforthesubclassRubrobacteridae,revealedthatthethreestrainsof Thermo...
(TableS1). The first group included 13 studies and investigated the ARs of a total of approximately 930 bacterial strains. Among these strains, 35.1% remained to be classified taxonomically and all the rest were affiliated toActinobacteria,FirmicutesorProteobacteria(TableS1and Fig.S1A). Note that...
The Actinobacteria constitute one of the main phyla of Bacteria. Presently, no morphological and very few molecular characteristics are known which can dis