Florida Legal Abortion legal until viability; 15-week ban slated to take effect July 1 Abortions are legal until viability, and the state Supreme Court has recognized a right to abortion under the state Constitution. The legislature has, however, passed a bill prohibiting abortions 15 weeks after...
The conventional wisdom has long been that most voters want some restrictions on abortion, and that abortion in the final trimester is less popular. And it is true that support for abortion drops when Americans are asked about whether the procedure should be legal later in a preg...
The GOP can probably afford to let Scott get outspent some in Florida, a state that is trending red. As one of the richest members of Congress, the senator can close the gap on his own. Hovde’s spending in Wisconsin is likely a big reason why that race has tighte...
Access to abortion remains legal in Ohio up to about 22 weeks. In 2019, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWinesigned a bill banning abortionsin the state after a fetal heartbeat is detected, at approximately six weeks. The bill took effect after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, but has been pu...
South Carolinais an unhealthy state, both at home and on the job. The state has the nation's fifth-highest rate of occupational deaths, and it finishes in the top ten for frequent physical and mental distress overall. Legal protections for workers are limited, and the state's violent crime...
saw clinics struggle to meet an increase in patients as conservative states made it progressively harder to provide and receive abortions. But when the draft SCOTUS opinion leaked and the Court eventually ruled, she was still shocked: “We’re all still grappling with what the implications will ...
for low-income people is linked in part to political realities: Leaders who have supported abortion restrictions for decades generally also have espoused small-government principles and opposed measures such as Medicaid expansion, said legal historian Mary Ziegler at Florida State University’s law ...
Religious communities in the U.S. have long been divided over the issue of abortion. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey found that57% of Americans were supportiveof legal abortion. A majority of those who identified as evangelical were opposed to abortion. ...
Florida currently has a ban on most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy that was signed into law by DeSantis shortly ahead of his unsuccessful presidential run. The law did not take effect until earlier this year when the Florida Supreme Court — which had been remade ...