A-levels是英国学生在18岁离开学校到上大学之前所参加的考试。大部分学校要求学生在参加A-Levels考试之前GCSE科目成绩至少达到5个C或以上。大多数学生选择3到4个A-Level科目。学生成绩水平划分为A*,A,B,C,DE或U(不分级)。年龄最小学生 Yasha Ayari Asley 2017年,年仅7岁的Yasha Ayari Asley成为史上完成A-le...
Byline: Laura Clark Education CorrespondentDaily Mail (London)
The process of marking GCSEs and A levels affects millions of students and teaching staff every year. Yet the process of how marking happens is unknown to many. But converting millions of GCSE and A-level entries into marked papers - and then final grades - is a fundamental aspect of ...
GCSEs Show Students Are Good Sports; Schools Report
“have two GCSEs at grade C or above(or equivalent)”的意思是“有两门GCSE课程的成绩,且在C等或C等以上(或相当于这一成绩)”。GCSE的英文全称是General Certificate of Secondary Education,中文译为普通中等教育证书,是英国学生完成第一阶段中等教育所参加的主要会考。GCSE课程的科目分为必修课和选修课两种...
The GCSE disadvantage gap “Because time and time again we’ve seen the transformational difference a brilliant education can make, helping all young people to thrive. “But if we are to achieve this everywhere, the prime minister needs to not only hold true to his promise of more investment...
GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is the part of the National Curriculum taught to pupils aged 14 to 16 in years 10 and 11. It also includes exams, the results of which have a significant bearing on a child’s future career.
The government has finally grown sick of claims that GCSEs and A-levels are being dumbed down, it seems. In his speech to the Labour Party conference on September 26th, Ed Balls, the schools secretary, said he would create a new watchdog to oversee exams. The current regulator is to be...
(2009). Why are some GCSE examination questions harder to mark accu- rately than others? Using Kelly's repertory grid technique to identify relevant question features. Research Papers in Education, 24, 335-377.Suto, I, Nadas, R (2009) Why are some GCSE examination questions harder to mark...
my schooling years. In the British public examination of GCSEs, which I completed at the age of 16, I achieved 11 ‘A Stars,’ whereas the necessary requirement is no more than 9 and ‘A’ grades are considered good marks. I also earned straight A’s for both AS level and[translate]...