if you enjoy water-based activities like snorkeling or diving, a waterproof camera can be a great investment. it allows you to capture underwater moments without worrying about damage. how do i prevent my camera's memory card from getting corrupted? always format the memory card in the camera...
Yes, you can use laminated paper or sheets of thin plastic to make a waterproof pinwheel. How can I fix a pinwheel that won't spin? Check that the pin is not too tight and that the blades are not bent or touching each other. Adjust as necessary to allow free movement. ...
Larger sensor, full screen, no moving parts , waterproof Problem of Pop Up, flip cameras : Moving pieces, no waterproofing, costs money, takes a lot of space Positives : Larger sensor, better quality photos and videos, cannot simultaneously record front and rear camera at the same time (fl...
24. A waterproof potty-training watch which exists for the sole purpose of reminding toddlers or preschoolers to use the toilet on the reg. Before you know it, they'll be excitedly yelling “potty time" when the alarm goes off. *What a time to be alive!* Amazon, www.amazon.com You ...