This sketch establishes a TCP connection to a "quote of the day" service. It sends a "hello" message, and then prints received data. */#ifdefESP8266#include<ESP8266WiFi.h>// esp8266#else#include<WiFi.h>// esp32#endif#ifndefSTASSID#defineSTASSID"mate40"#defineSTAPSK"123456789"#endifcons...
bool softAP(const char* ssid, const char* passphrase = NULL, int channel = 1, int ssid_hidden = 0, int max_connection = 4)该方法用来启动AP,在成功启动后返回true,各项参数如下: ssid所建立AP网络的名称,至少需一个字节,最大一般不超过32字节; passphrase所建立AP网络的密码,可以为NULL(无密码)或...
("** Scan Networks **"); int numSsid = WiFi.scanNetworks(); if (numSsid == -1) { Serial.println("Couldn't get a wifi connection"); while (true); } // print the list of networks seen: Serial.print("number of available networks:"); Serial.println(numSsid); // print the ...
const char *password = "12345678"; WiFiClient espClient; PubSubClient client(espClient); char Barcode[30]; char OperMode[1]; bool update_flag = 0; int num; void reconnect() { while (!client.connected()) { Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection..."); if (client.connect("mybrokerCl...
(ssid); // wait 10 seconds for connection: delay(10000); } // you're connected now, so print out the data: Serial.print("You're connected to the network"); printCurrentNet(); printWifiData(); } void loop() { // check the network connection once every 10 seconds: delay(10000);...
handled Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... code: %d\n", httpCode); // file found at server if(httpCode == 200) { String payload = http.getString(); Serial.println(payload); } } else { Serial.print("[HTTP] GET... failed, no connection or no HTTP server\n"); } } delay(5000);...
max_connection最大可接入数,可选值1~4; bool softAPConfig(IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress gateway, IPAddress subnet) 设置本地地址、网关地址和子网掩码,默认分别为192.168.4.1192.168.4.1255.255.255.0; bool softAPdisconnect(bool wifioff = false) ...
max_connection最大可接入数,可选值1~4; bool softAPConfig(IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress gateway, IPAddress subnet) 设置本地地址、网关地址和子网掩码,默认分别为192.168.4.1192.168.4.1255.255.255.0; bool softAPdisconnect(bool wifioff = false) ...
char password[] = "your_PASSWORD"; // MySQL password WiFiClient client; MySQL_Connection conn(...