You can use the Arduino Software (IDE) serial monitor to view the sent data, or it can be read by Processing (see code below), Flash, PD, Max/MSP (see example below), etc. The examples below split the incoming string on the commas and convert the string into numbers again. 可以使用...
用Tinkercad学arduino之 读取电位器模拟输入 /*AnalogReadSerial Reads an analog input (potentiometer) on pin 0, prints the result to the serial monitor. OPEN THE SERIAL MONITOR TO VIEW THE OUTPUT FROM THE POTENTIOMETER >> Attach the center pin of a potentiometer to pin A0, and the outside pin...
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);//定义13号插口为输出模式 } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) {// 在收到数据后再做出处理:a_data =; // 将收到的值储存在变量中 if(a_data){//如果收到“1”(a_data为真),点亮LED,否则熄灭 digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);}...
/* * SerialOutput sketch * Print numbers to the serial port */ void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // send and receive at 9600 baud } int number = 0; void loop() { Serial.print("The number is "); Serial.println(number); // print the number delay(500); // delay half second...
[Codebox]Serial.println(__FILE__); [/Codebox] does not show the complete path of the compiled sketch, like ESP32 does. Especially when you use tabs, the the current .ino file is not identical with your folder, so the information is useless. ...
Arduino 示例程序运行结果分析Serial Call and Response
为了代码尺寸和效率的考虑,Arduino中的Serial类在Arduino-Lite中移除,如下是Serial类的替代和改进函数。 === SERIAL_BEGIN() === 打开串口模块,使得串口工作在19200bps速率。也可以通过定义宏BAUD修改工作速率类似于Arduino中的Serial.begin(19200),高效率版本 例子: 将串口模块开启,工作在19200bps SERIAL_BEIGN();...
OPEN THE SERIAL MONITOR TO VIEW THE OUTPUT >> Attach the center pin of a potentiometer to pin A0, and the outside pins to +5V and ground. 读取引脚0上的模拟输入,将其转换为电压,然后将结果打印到串行监视器。 打开串行监视器以查看输出>> ...
install SerialWireOutput (this library) connect a debugger probe with SWO support, e.g. a segger or a black magic probe. Connect the SWO output of the target with the SWO input of the probe. start tool to view the SWO stream. run example File→Examples→SerialWireOutput→HelloWorld Connect...
pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 7.2 检测串口是否有数据输入 Serial.available()返回true表示串口有数据待读取 void loop() { while (Serial.available()) ... 1. 2. 3. 7.3 从串口读入一个long型数字 Serial.parseInt()读取串口中输入的字符串。如果输入的是非数字,会被解析为0. ...