打开Altium Designer并创建新的项目。 指定项目名称和路径。 选择"PCB项目"类型。 点击"确定"按钮。 步骤2:定义原理图 在本步骤中,我们将定义Arduino Uno的原理图。请按照以下步骤操作: 在项目资源管理器中,右键单击"Project Documents"文件夹,选择"Add New to Project" -> “Schematic”。 选择"Integrated Library...
arduino uno开发板 altiumdesigner arduino UNO开发板智能灌溉接线图,一、继电器的基础知识 参考: EasyEDA#学习笔记03#|3C-GO继电器驱动电路Realay二、电路连接D13---INT(继电器)D6---DO(土壤湿度传感器)A5---AO(土壤湿度传感器)GN
arduino_Uno_Rev3-02-TH.brd Arduino UNO 官方原理图和PCB文件,包含引脚图,亲测正版 上传者:weixin_42369255时间:2019-07-23 Arduino_Uno_Rev3-schematic.rar_arduino_arduino uno rev3_uno Schematic for Arduino Uno 上传者:weixin_42665255时间:2022-09-23 ...
基于Arduino Uno的教育盾 描述Arduino UNO教育盾Arduino UNO Education Shield 易于安装。 8个LED,2个按钮开关,1个RGB LED,1个电位器RV09 10K,1个蜂鸣器,1个光敏电阻GL5506PCB+原理图 shbaoyan 2022-07-05 06:24:15 PCB原理图与PCB设计文件的区别 一站式PCBA智造厂家今天为大家讲讲PCB原理图与PCB设计文件...
自制一个Arduino Pcb 描述Diy Arduino Pcb For 3$这是一个 ARDUINO UNO 版本(1.2),这里我使用 Dc Jack 供电,Micro USB 为 ARDUINO 供电和编程完成焊接 pcb jjll652 2022-07-21 08:00:01 基于CBU模组与arduino库作为通讯,彩色贝壳DIY(内涵原理图 概况arduino nano做主控。涂鸦的CBU模组作为通讯,涂鸦的...
Arduino_Uno_学习笔记_六_,倒车雷达 arduino_Uno_开发板原理图+PCB源文件(AD) Gokit2底板(Arduino)--Arduino_uno_Pinout Arduino_Uno_Rev3-schematic原理图 Arduino_UNO是Arduino_USB接口系列的最新版猜你喜欢(月热门下载)DeepSeek从入门到精通教程,清华大学出的 EMC测试不合格产品整改经验 348个实用电路图大全,...
This is an open-source low-cost Brushless DC (BLDC) motor driver board intended primarily for low-power FOC applications up to 5Amps. The board is fully compatible with the Arduino UNO and all the boards with the standard Arduino headers. TheSimpleFOCShield, in combination with theSimpleFOCli...
Mega2560的处理器核心是ATmega2560, 同时具有54路数字输入/输出口(其中16路可作为PWM输出),16路模拟输入,4路UART接口,一个16MHz晶体振荡器,一个USB口,一个电源 插座,一个ICSP header和一个复位按钮。Arduino Mega2560也能兼容为Arduino UNO设计的扩展板。http://www.eeboard.com/ziliao/arduino-mega2560/...
Arduino headers: Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, STM32 Nucleo boards…Open Source: Fully designed in EasyEDA: EasyEDA project 🎉 Fully available fabrication files - how to make it yourselfNew Features of the version v3.x Transition away from stm’s L6234 chip to DRV8313, which is much more...
The board is fully compatible with the Arduino UNO and all the boards with the standard Arduino headers. The SimpleFOCShield, in combination with the SimpleFOClibrary provides user-friendly way to control BLDC motors both in hardware and software. Features Plug & play: In combination with ...