下载页说明里提到uno用户建议下载轻量版,我用的也是uno,不过感觉原版和轻量版对内存的消耗差不多。 所以还是用的原版。 我爱香菇滑鸡 小有美名 5 然后选择示例。 能力和记忆力有限_(:з」∠)_做不到自己码。 我爱香菇滑鸡 小有美名 5 要注意修改几个地方,第一个当然是userkey 和 gateway ,gateway就是...
2.1.2 实物图片 1、1Arduino nano或uno 2、1DS3231时钟模块(含纽扣电池) 3、1光敏电阻(模块) 4、124位 WS2812LED灯环 5、1无源蜂鸣器/mp3模块 6、1心率传感器/心跳传感器 7、1*9v电池 8、其他可能需要的元器件(面包板、按钮、电阻、电容、导线等) 2.1.3 视频 演示视频暂时无法上传(需要的可以另外帖子留...
Code of conduct MIT license FastLED Library Want to control a strip of leds? Or control 10's of thousands? FastLED has your back. FastLED is a robust and massively parallel-led driver for Arduino, Esp32, RaspberryPi, Atmega, Teensy, Uno, Apollo3 Arm and more. Also runs on dirt cheap ...
Open code in new window EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter /*** Don Luc Electronics © *** Software Version Information Christmas and Elecrow Christmas DL2412Mk04p.ino DL2412Mk04 1 x Crowduino Uno-SD 1 x Crowtail - Base Shield 1 x Crowtail - 9G Servo 2.0 (180 Degree Rotation) 1...
1 Uno 1 Uno clone, for which I need to figured out a driver Breadboards: 1/2 and full sized. 3 DS3231 clock boards 4 rotary encoders 3 relay switches 3 BME280 boards NRF24L01 wireless communication boards USB cables to use a power source with USB wall plugs. ...
Arduino UNO的ADC分辨率为10位,意味着它可以区分0至1023之间的数值。参考电压:Arduino UNO的参考电压通常是5V,这意味着ADC的最大输入电压为5V,对应于ADC输出的最大数值1023。Model conversion: The process of converting analog signals (continuous voltage signals) into digital signals (discrete values). ...
the small surface-mount chip (the ATmega16U2, ATmega8U2 in older versions of the Uno) is located near the USB socket on the board. The Arduino Leonardohas only one chip, the ATmega32U4, which runs your code and handles USB communications. You can reprogram the Leonardo to emulate USB dev...
and Programming the Arduino. Taking these classes willenable you to build simple circuits around the Arduino Uno, write simple Arduino sketches to get sensor reading, and much more. Each course is designed with a step-by-step process to help you learn everything quickly without much hassle. Up...
1. Arduino UNO主板一块 2. 无源蜂鸣器 (或者8欧0.5W小喇叭一个) 3. OLED 显示屏(SSD1306) 4.旋转编码器(HW-040) 5. B20K 电位器 6. LED小灯珠4个 7. 10K电阻4个 8. 100欧电阻 9. 面包板 10.杜邦线若干 连线方法: 演示视频: 五一假期 自制语音版节拍器 终于可以愉快的练琴了_哔哩哔哩_bilibili...