(1)打开Arduino IDE,并将Arduino Yun连接到你的电脑。我们知道,Arduino有如Arduino UNO、Mega等许多的开发板。这些开发板各有特色,而Arduino IDE只有一个,所以,此时需要告诉你想要Arduino IDE连接的是在哪个端口上的哪个板子。 (2)在Arduino IDE的“工具”菜单项中的“板”中选择Arduino Yun选项,如图2.11所示。 图...
(1)将开发板接入Windows UNO 开发板使用的CH340G作为USB与Windows接口, ▲ UNO 开发板 使用USB电缆将UNO开发板接入PC,此时在Windows中出现了USB-SERIALCH340(COM31)串口。 ▲ 接入系统之后出现的CH340虚拟串口 (2)修改Arduino设置 将Arduino的设置中的端口修改为 COM31,重新下载执行程序。...
Arduino的开发环境从http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software官网下载即可,分为windows版本、Mac版本、linux 32、64位,目前已更新到1.5.2。我下载的就是这个版本,下载后解压就可直接使用。 (2)下载驱动 解压后,在解压的文件夹里已经带有驱动程序,存放在drivers文件夹里。 (3)添加新硬件及设置开发环境 由于购买的uno...
1 首先手上肯定要有一块UNO开发板 到淘宝搜Arduino UNO DCCduino就有很多出售便宜得很,然后下载Arduino开发环境IDE,进入http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software以windows为例,下载ARDUINO 1.6.3,可选择WindowsInstaller 或WindowsZIP file for non admin install。2 如果软件安装在D盘,在这个文件D:\Program Files\...
Arduino Driver Software Installed Successfully on COM4 It took a while for Windows to install the driver for my UNO, but everything worked perfectly first time and the Arduino UNO was installed on COM4. We are almost done. Select the Correct COM Port ...
First of all, you need to Install an Arduino Software.Q1. What's the difference between Arduino UNO and Seeeduino v4.2 Seeeduino v4.2 is fully compatible with Arduino UNO. The mainly difference list below: Use a micro USB to power and program the board 3 on-board Grove connector 3.3/...
Arduino硬件平台:Arduino uno官方版本、Arduino uno第三方版本(CH430版本) 1.1 硬件支持包下载 很多时候由于我们使用的是和谐版版Matlab或者网络差强人意,这个时候就需要使用离线方式安装matlab硬件支持包,支持包离线安装软件下载连接:https://ww2.mathworks.cn/support/install/support-software-downloader.html?s_tid=src...
Details on Arduino Uno Pin-out Accessories USB cable Get an introduction to the LabVIEW Community edition and how you can use it with popular hobbyist hardware.Download and Install Step 1. During this process, you will be installing and activating the following software and drivers on your devel...
先将Arduino UNO(Nano)开发板利用USB数据线连接至计算机。 1.png 方法/步骤2: 在Windows环境下,首先在桌面计算机图标上点击右键,选择管理菜单,将会打开设备管理器。 2.png 方法/步骤3: 在左侧目录中选择设备管理器,将会看到右侧目录端口(COM和LPT)下出现USB-SERIAL CH340(COM3),则驱动安装成功。
The Arduino Uno is a computer on a board. It has everything that is needed to make a controller circuit similar to the ones that you find in just about every electronic product available nowadays. It has it's own memory for holding it's software and data. It has digital and analog inp...