这个项目展示了如何制作一个基于Arduino的 midi 播放器。Arduino 连接到包含SD卡读卡器的 DS1307 数据记录器扩展板。Arduino 输出保存到 Data Logger Shield 中 SD 卡的 midi 文件的 midi 流。此 MIDI 流可以连接到任何可以播放音乐的 MIDI 合成器或 MIDI 设备。
Cable two:Â Connect the second cable to pin 2 of the LM35DZ and the other end to the analogue pin 0 on your data logger shield (marked A0 on your uno and 0 on the shield). Cable three:Â Connect pin 3 on the LM35DZ to the pin labelled GND on your data logger shield. Once...
I have the arduino uno r3 and the adafruit data logger sheild (https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-data-logger-shield/using-the-real-time-clock-3). Below is my code, however when I try to compile I get 'Compilation error: 'class DateTime' has no member named 'get''. Is t...
Yún HTTP Client Console version for Arduino Uno and Mega using Yún Shield This example for the Yún101/YunShield/Yún shows how create a basic HTTP client that connects to the internet and downloads content. In this case, you'll connect to the Arduino website and download a version of t...
Data logging and real-time clock functionality Performance: Reliable and efficient Features: |Wemos Insight|Arduino Wifi Rev 2| **Enhanced IoT Device Management and Control** The WeMos D1 Mini WiFi Board Card Slot Data Logger Shield is a versatile addition to your IoT device management and contr...
The UART interface of the Arduino UNO R4 can be used for communication with serial devices. You can connect devices such as Huskylens vision sensors, serial data loggers, USB TTL adapters, etc., and perform data transmission and communication via serial ports. ...
LCD Shield GPS Logger Shield MP3 Music Maker Shield Ethernet Shield Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield GPS Shield Plugged into Arduino Uno – Sparkfun.com Arduino Sensors If you want your Arduino to sense the world around it, you will need to add a sensor. There are a wide range of sensors to ch...
这个程序必须用USB上传,然后下一次上传可以用Yún Shield 和 WiFi。 图为Fritzing 软件绘制 样例代码 完整程序如下: /* Blink Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. Most Arduinos have an on-board LED you can control. On the Uno and ...
Arduino boards) or pin 53 (on the Mega) - or another pin specified in the call to SD.begin(). Note that even if you don't use the hardware SS pin, it must be left as an output or the SD library won't work.Different boards use different pins for this functionality, so be sure ...
ALog data logger Arduino Uno (with ALog shield or equivalent clock and SD card) Arduino Mega (with ALog shield or equivalent clock and SD card) Support for ARM-series Arduino boards is currently under development. #include"ALog.h"ALog alog;//Note: Serial baud rate is set to 38400 bps//...