1) 利用 Arduino 的数字引脚给超声波传感器的 Trig 引脚至少 10 微秒的高电平信号,这会让HC-SR04 超声波测距模块发射出8个40K赫兹的超声波脉冲(ultrasonic burst)。 2) 8个超声波脉冲发出后,echo引脚会输出高电平。假如没有声波返回,echo引脚会在38微秒后输出低电平。假如有声波返回,echo引脚会进入低电平状态。
Ultrasonic Sensor measure the distance of target objects or materials through the air using "non-contact" technology. They measure distance without damage and are easy to use. The output Signals received by the sensor are in the analog form, and output is digitally formatted and processed by ...
HC-SR04P HCSR04P Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 HCSR04 Measuring Distance Sensor LED Display Module for Arduino Robot 4.8 6 ReviewsColor: 1Product sellpoints Easy Integration with Arduino:Designed for Arduino, this sensor module is a breeze to set up and use with Arduino code for distance sensor. ...
int ultrasonicTrigger = 10; // 超声波传感器触发引脚 int ultrasonicEcho = 11; // 超声波传感器回声引脚 int irReceiver = 3; // 红外接收器引脚 Servo myServo; // 伺服对象 L298N l298n; // L298N电机驱动器对象 UltrasonicSensor ultrasonicSensor(ultrasonicTrigger, ultrasonicEcho); // 超声波传感器对...
int distance = ultrasonicSensor.readUltrasonic(); // 单位:厘米 // 如果距离小于某个阈值(例如20cm),则认为检测到线条 if (distance < 20) { // 驱动小车沿线条前进 driveForward(); } else { // 如果没有检测到线条,则停止小车 stop();
How does an ultrasonic distance sensor work? Ultrasonic sensors work by emitting sound waves with a frequency that is too high for a human to hear. These sound waves travel through the air with the speed of sound, roughly 343 m/s. If there is an object in front of the sensor, the sou...
Serial.println("This monitor will show us what the ultrasonic distance sensor reads"); Serial.println(); } void loop(){ int distance = ping(); //call the ping function to get the distance in front of the robot Serial.print(distance); Serial.print(" cm "); if (distance < collisionTh...
float distance; void setup() { // 初始化串口通信及连接SR04的引脚 Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(TrigPin, OUTPUT); // 要检测引脚上输入的脉冲宽度,需要先设置为输入状态 pinMode(EchoPin, INPUT); Serial.println("Ultrasonic sensor:"); } void loop() { // 产生一个10us的高脉冲去触发TrigPin digi...
ultrasonic sensor超声波探测 工作原理: 首先,用超过10us的信号进行输入输出; 然后模块会自动发回八个40 KHz信号,探测是否有信号受阻返回; 如果有返回信号,通过公式计算出距离 Test distance = (high level time × velocity of sound (340m/s) /2
Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 is used to measure the distance to an object by using ultrasonic waves. 超声波传感器HC-SR04用于通过超声波测量到物体的距离。 Pinout 引脚排列 The ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 includes four pins: 超声波传感器 HC-SR04 包括四个引脚: ...