In this Arduino tutorial I will show you how to turn an LED on and off with a push button. In fact, we’ll do 2 slightly different applications. First, we will power on the LED when the button is pressed, and power off the LED when the button is not pressed. And then we’ll mo...
视频音乐来自:Clipchamp 视频电路图由VirtualBreadBoard制作 参考链接: 分享至 投诉或建议 1 0 0...
buttonPin:连接按钮的引脚 2。 ledPin:连接 LED 的引脚 13。 buttonState:存储按钮的状态(HIGH 或 LOW)。 setup(): 设置为 OUTPUT 和 INPUT。ledPinbuttonPin loop(): 读取按钮的状态。 如果按下按钮 (HIGH),LED 亮起。 否则,LED 熄灭。 因此,在此代码中,按下引脚 2 上的按钮可切换引脚 13 上的 LED。
Learn how to use button to toggle LED. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with Arduino. Find this and other Arduino tutorials on
Click the "Clone or Download" button to download the ZIP file. 按"Clone or Download" 按键去下载这个 ZIP 档案。 Install this ZIP file using one of the following methods: 用以下其中一个方法安装这个 ZIP 档案: 1. If you are running Arduino IDE, select "Project" -> "Libraries" -> "Instal...
A simple way to test this is to use an ‘if’ statement to check the value stored in ‘btstate’ and then turn on an LED if it is ‘HIGH’ or turn it off if it is ‘LOW’. Note that the LED will only stay on while the button is depressed, and will shut off when you releas...
If it is open, are the garage door sensors clear of humans or pets? Turn the garage door opener’s internal light on. Begin closing the door. etc. Before you can do all of those things, you need to learn the basics! So let’s start with simple: Use a button to toggle an LED!
Step 3: Turn on LED with 5V As I explained before, electrical current flows from high voltage to low voltage. In this class we’ll be powering everything off of 5V from the Arduino, so current will flow from 5V out of the Arduino, through our circuit, and back into the Arduino’s ...
格瑞图:Arduino-0009-内置示例-按钮 Button 格瑞图:Arduino-0010-内置示例-去抖 Debounce 格瑞图:Arduino-0011-内置示例-数字输入上拉 DigitalInputPullup 格瑞图:Arduino-0012-内置示例-状态变更检查 StateChangeDetection 格瑞图:Arduino-0013-内置示例-音调电子琴 Keyboard ...
int led3Active = LOW; // 标记 3 号 LED 灯是否激活void setup() {// 初始化引脚模式pinMode(led1Pin, OUTPUT);pinMode(led2Pin, OUTPUT);pinMode(led3Pin, OUTPUT);pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);pinMode(waterSensorPin, INPUT);pinMode(tempSensorPin, INPUT);//pinMode(resetButtonPin, INPUT_...