#377 Nokia 5110 Shield LCD, Arduino putting a Nokia 5110 on an Arduino Uno shield for no-fuss prototyping #036 NonInverting324 OpAmp demo LM324 OpAmp non-inverting DC gain mode #072 NOR7402 CMOS/TTL, Arduino demo the 74LS02 Quad 2-input NOR gate with an Arduino #114 NORGateOscillator ...
Nicla Sense MEmodule based on Nordic SeminRF52832Cortex-M4 microcontroller and four Bosch SensorTech’s motion and environmental sensors; suitable for predictive maintenance and real-time sensing. Full set of Modulino nodesand Proto Shield: a range of I2C modules with sensors, buttons,...
But there is no shield for motion detection (accelerometer,gyroscope). So we have to use an additional board eg equipped with the MPU9250. But there is a problem with the WeMos motor shield: After a few seconds it stopped working. And in addition the MPU9250 stopped working, too. Hours ...
2077产品概述 Arduino Prototyping Shield, AdafruitThe Adafruit prototyping shield for the Arduino is truly one of the best out there and is compatible with tiny breadboards. It also comes with stacking headers and a plain header, so you can make your own choice when soldering these together. ...