用Tinkercad学arduino之 LCD温度显示报警器 项目地址:https://www.tinkercad.com/things/9Yv09OZnrXy-temperature-sensor-with-display //CREATED BY GIOVANNI, LUCAS B, LUCAS F & THIAGO.//WHEN THE TEMPERATURE IS HIGHER THAN 35ºC IT PLAYS ANOTHER SOUND FREQUENCY.//Include the library code.#include...
用Tinkercad学arduino之 LCD温度显示报警器 项目地址:https://www.tinkercad.com/things/9Yv09OZnrXy-temperature-sensor-with-display //CREATED BY GIOVANNI, LUCAS B, LUCAS F & THIAGO.//WHEN THE TEMPERATURE IS HIGHER THAN 35ºC IT PLAYS ANOTHER SOUND FREQUENCY.//Include the library code.#include...
Analogue Input Digital Input DS18B20 temperature sensor I2C LCD display Buzzer Relay LED (onboard)All these parts work together to provide a :-"User settable temperature controlled relay with an audio alert that can be silenced and displays the maximum and minimum temperature"....
/* https://breakrow.com/miliohm/temperature-and-humidity-sensor-dht11-with-arduino-tutorial-make-oled-termometer/ 10 - DHT11 pin OLED: SDA - SDA SCL - SCL */ #include < SPI.h > #include < Wire.h > #include < Adafruit_GFX.h > #include < Adafruit_SSD1306.h > #include < Fonts...
TMP36 analog temperature sensor with Arduino tutorial How to control a character I2C LCD with Arduino How to use a 16×2 character LCD with Arduino If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Supplies Hardware components Software ...
many others. Hence, the use of liquid crystal displays is very popular and common in Arduino project. It is also recommended to learn LCD interfacing at the start. Because when you learn to interface sensors with Arduino, you will already have a coding experience to display that sensor value...
* name: Digital Temperature Sensor-ds18b20 * function: you can see the value of current temperature displayed on the LCD. ***/#include<OneWire.h>#include<DallasTemperature.h>#include<LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>#include<Wire.h>LiquidCrystal_I2Clcd(0x27,16,2);//set the LCD address to 0x27 for a...
int sensorInput;//The variable we will use to store temperature in degrees.double temp;void setup(){ //Pin of the led.pinMode(13, OUTPUT);//Initialize the LCD's number of columns and rows.lcd.begin(16, 2);//Start the Serial Port at 9600 baud (default).Serial.begin(9600);} void ...
So I decided to whip up a temperature sensor with my Arduino. This arduino has two separate functions. The first function is displaying information on the 16x2 LCD screen. I send messages to the screen over HTTP. The second function is updating my control server with the temperature every ...
#if (SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT != 64) #error("Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SSD1306.h!"); #endif void printDateTime(DateTime dateTime);//创建实例RTC_DS1307 RTC;DS3231 Clock;bool Century=false;bool h12;bool PM;uint8_t bell[8] = {0x4,0xe,0xe,0xe,0x1f,0x0,0x4};char data[15]...