11.12 double(双精度浮点数) 11.13 string( char array/字符串) 11.14 String object( String类) 11.15 array(数组) 十二、数据类型转换 12.1 char() 12.2 byte() 12.3int() 12.4 word() 12.5 long() 12.6 float() 十三、变量作用域&修饰符 13.1 variable scope(变量的作用域) 13.2 static(静态变量) 13.3...
"; Serial.println(my_str); // (4) 字符串内容替换 my_str.replace("string", "Arduino sketch"); Serial.println(my_str); // (5) 获取字符串对象的长度 Serial.print("String length is: "); Serial.println(my_str.length()); }11、时间函数...
void setup() { char str[] = "This is my string"; // create a string char out_str[40]; // output from string functions placed here int num; // general purpose integer Serial.begin(9600); // (1) print the string Serial.println(str); // (2) get the length of the string (exc...
Wire.write(string) Wire.write(data, length) Parameters value: a value to send as a single byte string: a string to send as a series of bytes data: an array of data to send as bytes length: the number of bytes to transmit Returns ...
int length,width; float square; char ch; string name ="arduino" c/c++中变量的值可以变化,但变量的类型不能变化。 变量的应用 定义完变量,我们在代码中就可以对变量进行赋值、引用 length =10; width = 5; square = length * width printf(square) ...
= NULL) { CHECK_STRING_LENGTH(length,user) length = writeString(user,buffer,length); if(pass != NULL) { CHECK_STRING_LENGTH(length,pass) length = writeString(pass,buffer,length); } } /*** 用户名 密码 end ***/ //拼装 CONNECT消息 write(MQTTCONNECT,buffer,length-MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE...
Arduino Pin APDS-9930 Board Function 3.3V VL 据说用作参考电压,得接上 3.3V VCC Power GND GND Ground A4 SDA I2C Data A5 SCL I2C Clock 2 INT Interrupt 10 - LED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 效果图 Arduino+APDS9930 实现手势控制灯亮灭、调光等 源码 通用部分 APDS9930.cpp /** ...
String dataIn = ""; 在设置部分,我们需要初始化伺服器和蓝牙模块,并将机械臂移动到其初始位置。我们使用write()函数来做到这一点,它只是将伺服器移动到0到180度的任何位置。 void setup() { servo01.attach(5); servo02.attach(6); servo03.attach(7); ...
prints the string 79 to the Serial Monitor window. The following little application will print the message every two seconds: int i = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Serial.print(" hey there, just saying hi for the "); Serial.print(i); Serial.print("th tim...