当 RST 引脚收到低信号时,ESP8266 将唤醒。 睡眠模式有三种不同类型:modem sleep、light sleep、deep sleep。下表显示了每个模式之间的差异。 唤醒来源 定时器唤醒:ESP8266在预先定义的时间段后自行唤醒 外部唤醒:ESP8266 在按 RST 按钮时唤醒(ESP8266 重新启动) // ESP8266 Deep sleep mode example void setup...
// Deep sleep mode until RESET pin is connected to a LOW signal (for example pushbutton or magnetic reed switch) //Serial.println("I'm awake, but I'm going into deep sleep mode until RESET pin is connected to a LOW signal"); //ESP.deepSleep(0); } void loop() {} View raw code...
This example uses a conversion factor from microseconds to seconds, so that you can set the sleep time in theTIME_TO_SLEEPvariable in seconds. In this case, the example will put the ESP32 into deep sleep mode for 5 seconds. Save Data on RTC Memories With the ESP32, you can save data...
1.1 使用Enerlib类库的实现方法 Enerlib类库提供的Example代码说明了如何使用该类库的功能函数,为阅读方便起见,笔者添加了行号标识和中文注释,如下所列: 可以看出,进入睡眠的代码在仅执行一次的初始化模块void setup()中,表明系统启动后做完初始化工作即进入睡眠。代码的19~23行给出了5种睡眠方式,在实际应用中选择一种...
Enerlib类库提供的Example代码说明了如何使用该类库的功能函数,为阅读方便起见,笔者添加了行号标识和中文注释,如下所列: 可以看出,进入睡眠的代码在仅执行一次的初始化模块void setup()中,表明系统启动后做完初始化工作即进入睡眠。代码的19~23行给出了5种睡眠方式,在实际应用中选择一种适合的方式即可。系统的唤醒在...
* HX711 library for Arduino - example file * https: / / github.com / bogde / HX711 * * MIT License * (c) 2018 Bogdan Necula * * * / #include "HX711.h" / / HX711 circuit wiring const int LOADCELL_DOUT_PIN = 4 ; const int LOADCELL_SCK_PIN = 5 ; HX711 scale; void setup(...
ESP32 offers a deep sleep mode for effective power saving as power is an important factor for IoT applications. In this mode CPUs, most of the RAM, and all the digital peripherals which are clocked from APB_CLK are powered off. The only parts of ...
For example, the following line is from the WiFi API, if millis() is less than last_sent, then it could lead to unexpected behavior. if (millis() - last_sent > (uint32_t) max_wait_ms) {...} I also noticed that thelight sleep mode is badly understoodas well. I've seen people...
使用Arduino开发板连接HX711称重传感器模块制作数字体重秤 使⽤Arduino开发板连接HX711称重传感器模块制作数字体重秤
Arduino Nano ESP32 产品参考手册说明书 Arduino® Nano ESP32 1 / 20Arduino® Nano ESP32 Modified: 18/07/2023Product Reference Manual SKU: ABX00083 Description The Arduino Nano ESP32 (with and without headers) is a Nano form factor board based on the ESP32-S3 (embedded in the NORA-W...