How to read temperature and humidity from DHT sensors; Build an asynchronous web server using the ESPAsyncWebServer library; Update the sensor readings automatically without the need to refresh the web page.For a more in-depth explanation on how to use the DHT22 and DHT11 temperature and ...
Quero os dados de temperatura, Umidade (DHT11) e Luminosidade(LDR). Alguém por gentileza pode me ajudar a organizar as strings ? Reply Roger 3 years ago Making 2-5 chat terminals for my kids? Reply Ron Mason 3 years ago how can i make it display in Fahrenheit? THANKS AND...
begin(); // Uruchamia sensor DHT11 } Następnie przypisano zmienne dla wartości temperatur oraz wilgotności powietrza. void loop() { float tempC; // Temperatura w C float tempF; // Temperature w F float humidity = dht.readHumidity(DHT_PIN); // Wilgotnosc W tej części ...
in this case temperature and humidity sensor taken from DHT11, a digital sensor communication protocol one wire. I will not explain the operation of this Protocol, but we can say briefly and very general, which is as the name suggests one wire, used by many types of se...