This library allows you to communicate with I2C / TWI devices. On the Arduino boards with the R3 layout (1.0 pinout), the SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line) are on the pin headers close to the AREF pin. The Arduino Due has two I2C / TWI interfaces SDA1 and SCL1 are near to ...
Arduino Pinout Reference说明书
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. In future, shields will be compatible with both the board that uses the AVR, which...
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. In future, shields will be compatible with both the board that uses the AVR, which...
Arduino ZERO (USA ONLY)& Genuino ZERO (OUTSIDE USA)Overview 3.3V 32-bit 48 MHz ARM Core The Zero is a simple and powerful 32-bit extension of the platform established by the UNO. The Zero board expands the family by providing increased performance, enabling a variety of project ...
复用: I2C2 SCL SDA/GPIO 14/PB7 The I2C (Wire) data pin, this has a 10K pullup to 3.3V. Hardware I2C1 PWM out onTIM4_CH2 复用: USART1 RX SCL/GPIO15/PB6 the I2C (Wire) clock pin, this has a 10K pullup to 3.3V. Hardware I2C1 ...
Analog pins A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL) support I2C (TWI) communication using the Wire library. This library can be used to communicate between the Arduino Nano and sensors, displays, other Arduino boards, etc.In the table below, you can find the I2C pins of some of the other Arduino boards...
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. In future, shields will be compatible with both the board that uses the AVR, which...
TWI:Pin 20 (SDA) and 21 (SCL) support TWI communication using the WIRE library. AREF:The reference voltage for analog inputs is used with analogReference(). Reset:for this pin bring the reset line LOW to reset the microcontroller. This pin is typically used wh...
I2C bus, TWI: SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin.TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin. Support TWI communication using the Wire library.SPI:Defaults to 4MHz to support Arduino Uno shields. Programmable to 25 MHz.Note: While Galileo has a native SPI controller, it will...