In this Arduino tutorial you will learn how to control an RGB LED with a potentiometer. First using only digitalWrite(), to get an idea of what we’re doing, and then with a more complex computation and analogWrite(), so we can get any color we want....
To control the levels we’ll be using three potentiometers, these can be any style you like as long as they have values of at least 10k.I’ve wired two RGB LEDs to the Arduino for this demo. One is a common cathode device and the other is a common anode RGB LED. This way you ...
1 LED简易LED模块 2 蜂鸣器(Buzzer)压电式蜂鸣器 3 0.96寸OLED显示屏128×64 点分辨率紧凑型显示屏...
Make a Programmable RGB LED Infinity Mirror With Arduino: This Instructable shows you how to make a framed one-way mirror that reflects individually programmable RGB LEDs into a mirror. This creates the illusion of an infinite tunnel of pretty lights wit
Arduino Lesson 15: This is a Super Cool project that turns the RGB LED to whatever color that is put in front of a color sensor. It works for an amazing array of color cards. Arduino Lesson 16: Control the position of a servo from a potentiometer using the Arduino. ...
Control the color and brightness of an RGB LED with a Potentiometer Introduction to Arduinos Topics: Analog/Digital Read Relay control 7 segment control Buzzer ARDUINO What is an Arduino? Features 14 Digital I/O pins 6 Analogue inputs 6 PWM pins USB serial 16MHz Clock speed 32KB Flash memory...
1 X Breadboard 5 X LED Light 1 Pack Resistor 1 X Female to male dupond line 1 X Potentiometer 1 X Buzzer 1 X 74HC595 1 X Infrared receiver 1 X LM35 1 X Flame Sensor 1 X Ball Switch 1 X Photoresistor 1 X Key button 1 X Remote control 1 X 4-digit display tube ...
You will be wondering to know that the new Kit is designed to experiment with all the above-mentioned topics. So, it can be an Ideal Learner Kit for learning Arduino Programming. [The Kit includes onboard 6 Green LED, 1 RGB LED, 1 Potentiometer, 1 LM35 Sensor, 1 DHT11 Sensor, 4 But...
理解并掌握奥松开发板点亮 LED 的原理 2.掌握 LED 闪烁器、S.O.S 莫尔 斯码信号源、交通灯的制作与设 2 点亮 LED 灯系列项目 12 计 采用多媒体教学 3.掌握奥松开发板进行 LED 跑马 与实训相结合方 灯、闪烁灯、RGB 彩灯等实验开 式 发的方法 1.理解并掌握发生器的发声原理 和传感器的检测原理,了解元...
Arduino - Button - LED Arduino - Button - Relay Arduino - Button Toggle LED Arduino - Button Toggle Relay Arduino - Button - Piezo Buzzer Arduino - Button - Servo Motor Arduino - Potentiometer Arduino - Potentiometer fade LED Arduino - Potentiometer Triggers LED Arduino - Potentiometer Triggers...