The MFRC522 library was first created in Jan 2012 by Miguel Balboa (from based on code by Dr. Leong (from for "Arduino RFID module Kit 13.56 Mhz with Tags SPI W and R By COOQRobot". It was translated into English and rewritten/refactored...
The MFRC522 library was first created in Jan 2012 by Miguel Balboa (from based on code by Dr. Leong (from for "Arduino RFID module Kit 13.56 Mhz with Tags SPI W and R By COOQRobot". It was translated into English and rewritten/refactored...
当每个用户拥有不同的RFID标签时,可以使用这种机制来识别用户。 #include "SPI.h" // SPI library #include "MFRC522.h" // RFID library ( const intpinRST = 9; const int pinSDA = 10; MFRC522 mfrc522(pinSDA, pinRST); // Set up mfrc522 on the ...
Arduino与RFID技术的亲密接触:RC522模块实战 在今天的Arduino编程实验中,我们将深入探讨飞利浦MF RC522射频模块,它是智能仪表和低功耗应用的理想选择。这款模块以13.56MHz的高效通信,支持SPI、UART和I2C接口,轻松实现非接触式IC卡读写操作。RC522模块的原理与应用 工作原理: RC522通过激发IC卡的LC谐振...
* This is a MFRC522 library example; for further details and other examples see: * * Example sketch/program showing how to read data from a PICC (that is: a RFID Tag or Card) using a MFRC522 based RFID ...
RFID rfid(10,5); //D10--读卡器SS引脚、D5--读卡器RST引脚 void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600...
Keyes RC522 RFID射频 IC卡感应模块 送复旦卡钥匙扣 兼容arduino 深圳市科易互动机器人有限公司9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥4.00成交1981片 MFRC-522 RC522 RFID无线模块 读写器 IC卡接近模块适用于Arduino 深圳市发明家电子科技有限公司2年 ...
It is a modern identification device used in various places such as offices and universities. It comprises a RFID (MF-RC522) reader and a tag, if a valid tag is put in front of the reader the access is allowed otherwise the access is denied. This setup is consisting of Arduino-Nano, ...
Keyes RC522 RFID射频IC卡感应读卡刷卡模块 电子积木兼容Arduino 深圳市科易互动机器人有限公司9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥4.00成交1981片 MFRC-522 RC522 RFID无线模块 读写器 IC卡接近模块适用于Arduino 深圳市发明家电子科技有限公司2年 ...