int PS2Keyboard::getCombinationKey() {return CombinationKey;}bool PS2Keyboard::available() {if (CharBuffer || UTF8next) return true;CharBuffer = get_iso8859_code();if (CharBuffer) return true;return false;}int PS2Keyboard::readIt() {return read();}int PS2Keyboard::read() {uint8_t ...
KeyboardReprogram - 在Arduino IDE上打开一个新窗口,用简单的跑马灯程序重新编译Leonardo KeyboardSerial - 从串口里读取一个字节,然后返回一个键值。 KeyboardAndMouseControl - 在一个程序里示范鼠标和键盘命令 ButtonMouseControl - 通过5个按键控制光标行动 JoystickMouseControl - 当按键被按下时,通过一个操纵杆来...
(9600); // initialize control over the keyboard: Keyboard.begin(); } void loop() { // check for incoming serial data: if (Serial.available() > 0) { // read incoming serial data: char inChar =; // Type the next ASCII value from what you received: Keyboard.write(...
char inChar =; // Type the next ASCII value from what you received: Keyboard.write(inChar + 1); } } [Get Code] 更多 Keyboard.write() Keyboard.print() Keyboard.println() KeyboardLogout - 利用按键命令注销当前使用者 KeyboardMessage - 当一个按键被按下,发送一个文本字符串。
// return true if KEYBOARD_LED (Num Lock button) is pressed boolean buttonPressed() { uint8_t ledStatus; ledStatus = Keyboard.readLedStatus(); // Arduino Led pin as an indicator // If Num Lock led is on, the led indicator will be on ...
同样,它遍历数组中的每个元素并检查是否已按下。它通过调用您先前创建的 readButton 方法来实现。如果按下了一个按钮,它将那个引脚号传递给另一个称为 doAction 的方法: void doAction(int pin) { // perform tasks switch (pin) { case 2: Keyboard.println(“”); ...
(路径:你的Arduino安装路径\Arduino15\packages\digistump\hardware\avr\1.6.7\libraries\DigisparkKeyboard\DigiKeyboard.h) /* * Based on Obdev's AVRUSB code and under the same license. * * TODO: Make a proper file header. :-) * Modified for Digispark by Digistump ...
{ // read the pushbutton: int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // if the button state has changed, if ((buttonState != previousButtonState) // and it's currently pressed: && (buttonState == HIGH)) { // increment the button counter counter++; // type out a message
READMEArduino打造USB蓝牙键盘扩展器 基于arduino的键盘扩展器,将USB键盘插在扩展器上后,USB键盘有蓝牙键盘功能,实现可修改键盘布局(Dovrak)、调整大写锁定与Ctrl位置并在键盘上集成了鼠标功能制作原因:因为爱折腾所以尝试使用了Dvorak键盘布局,结果太爽了,于是就变成了现在这个使用两种键盘布局的XXX了:输入英文使用Dvorak...
PS/2接口和USB接口的区别 PS2接口的特性: 1.物理连接:一般,具有五脚连接器的键盘称之为AT键盘,而具有六脚mini-DIN连接器的键盘则称之为PS/2键盘。其实这两种连接器都只有四个脚有意义。它们分别是Clock、Data、+5V和Ground。在PS/2键盘与PC机的物理连接上只要保证这四根线一一对应就可以了。PS/2键盘靠PC的...