readFromEEPROM(0, &data,sizeof(data.intValue)); Serial.println(data.intValue); // 假设我们要读取的数据是一个浮点数,存储在地址4开始的位置 readFromEEPROM(4, &data,sizeof(data.floatValue)); Serial.println(data.floatValue); // 假设我们要读取的数据是一个字符数组,存储在地址8开始的位置 read...
//将val写入设备上的地址寄存器 voidwriteTo(intdevice,byteaddress,byteval) { Wire.beginTransmission(device);//开始传输到设备 Wire.write(address);// 发送寄存器地址 Wire.write(val);// 发送要写入的值 Wire.endTransmission();//结束传输 } //从设备上的地址寄存器开始读取num字节到buff数组 voidreadFrom(...
To get one specific bit from the input register, for example, you could use the bitRead(byte, bit) function: boolean state = bitRead(PIND, 6); // read the state of the 6th pin of port D you could use some basic math to achieve the same result: boolean state = (PIND>>6)%2; /...
byte b = i2c_eeprom_read_byte(0x50, 0); // access the first address from the memory int addr=0; //first address while (b!=0) { Serial.print((char)b); //print content to serial port addr++; //increase address b = i2c_eeprom_read_byte(0x50, addr); //access an address from...
line = ser.readline() # read a byte if line: string = line.decode() # convert the byte string to a unicode string num = int(string) # convert the unicode string to an int print(num) ser.close() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
8.6 >>(bitshiftright) 七、指针运算符 7.1* 取消引用运算符 7.2&引用运算符 八、位运算符 8.1 &(bitwiseand) 8.2 |(bitwiseor) 8.3 ^(bitwisexor) 2.4 switchcase 2.5 while 2.6 do…while 2.7 break 2.8 continue 2.9 return 2.10 goto 九、复合运算符 ...
Serial.print("+ Byte read from location 0 is "); Serial.println(c); } void loop() { } void writeEEPROM(int address, byte data) { Wire.beginTransmission(AT24C32_I2C_ID); // send memory address to write // the memory address consists of 12 bits (2^12 = 4096 = 32K bytes) ...
改变基准电压后,之前从analogRead()读取的数据可能不准确。 警告 不要在AREF引脚上使用使用任何小于0V或超过5V的外部电压。如果你使用AREF引脚上的电压作为基准电压,你在调用analogRead()前必须设置参考类型为EXTERNAL。否则,你将会削短有效的基准电压(内部产生)和AREF引脚,这可能会损坏您Arduino板上的单片机。
// uncomment "OUTPUT_BINARY_ACCELGYRO" to send all 6 axes of data as 16-bit // binary, one right after the other. This is very fast (as fast as possible // without compression or data loss), and easy to parse, but impossible to read ...
Wire.requestFrom(ADDRESS_BH1750FVI, 2); //ask Arduino to read back 2 bytes from the sensor highByte =; // get the high byte lowByte =; // get the low byte sensorOut = (highByte<<8)|lowByte; illuminance = sensorOut/1.2; ...