ATmega328 32KB空间保存代码,其中0.5KB用于引导程序, 它有2KB SRAM 和 1KB EEPROM(可利用EEPROM library来读写)。 输入和输出 Pro Mini上的14路数字引脚中的每一路引脚都可以作为输入或输出引脚。这可以通过使用pinMode(), digitalWrite(), 和digitalRead() 函数来实现。各引脚的工作电压均为3.3V。各引脚可以提供...
A SoftwareSerial library allows for serial communication on any of the Pro Mini's digital pins. The ATmega168 also supports I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The Arduino software includes a Wire library to simplify use of the I2C bus; see the reference for details. To use the SPI communicati...
Many basic components (resistors, capacitors, etc) are from the SparkFun Eagle libraries LIS3DH accelerometer from SparkFun: Wisol Chip from hellogitty/WiSol ( ...
By default, the "Si4735 Arduino Library" uses the 0x11 I²C bus address (SEN pin connected to GND). If you want to use the address 0x63 (SEN connected on +3.3V), see the functions (methods) getDeviceI2CAddress, setDeviceI2CAddress and setDeviceOtherI2CAddress. Eagle version The ...
The Arduino Pro Mini is SparkFun's minimal design approach to Arduino. It's essentially a 3.3v Arduino that runs an 8 MHz bootloader on a super small, super thin board. There are no connectors attached - allowing you to add whatever connectors or wire you want without too much trouble. ...
Arduino Nano可以通过Mini-B USB连接供电,6-20V未稳压外部电源(引脚30)或 5V稳压外部电源(引脚27)。自动选择最高电压的电源供电。 存储 ATmega168 16kb 空间保存代码,其中2KB用于引导程序, 它有1KB SRAM 和 512字节的EEPROM(可利用EEPROM library来读写)。 ATmega328 有32KB空间,2KBSRAM和1KB EEPROM。
Using male-to-female cables connect Pro MINI to UNO RX-RX; TX-TX; RST-RST; GND-GND; VCC-+5V Change in Tools-Board-Arduino Pro or Pro MINI Upload sketch Step 3: Receiver Code #include #include LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2); ...
The board will take two DS18B20 temperature sensors. I used one internal and one external. These are very sensitive to timing and I needed to turn interrupts off for a few microseconds while reading them. They are otherwise very easy to use. I used a copy of the wire library that claimed...
This library can be useful to develop cross-platform software. So far, it has been successfully tested on the architectures shown below. Please, pay attention to the pins used for I2C communication.BoardNeed voltage converterI²C PinsFeatures 1 Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8MHz No A4 and A5 More...