核心部件:Arduino Pro Micro, Cherry MX兼容开关,键帽,3D打印部件 地址: https://www.printables.com/model/134529-misterdeck 1 0 Arduino Cable Tester 想要诊断损坏的线路,插头插脚连接,和更多?使用此电缆跟踪器,您可以测试超过10种不同的电缆类型,包括RJ45, USB-B/B3, USB-A/A3, USB-C, Mini-USB, Mic...
在大多数情况下,对于简单的原型制作,您可能只想要另一个Uno;或更大的项目,大型我仍然一直使用Unos,只是因为它们价格便宜且易于使用。 如果您准备好嵌入完成的项目,请考虑使用Nano。对于涉及模拟USB键盘或制作游戏控制器的任何事情,请抓住Pro Micro。对于可穿戴设备,您可以在Uno上原型制作,然后在一切准备就绪后切换为使...
ATMega328PArduino UnoArduino ProArduino NanoArduino Pro Mini Arduino Mini (05) ATMega32U4Arduino LeonardoArduino Leonardo (ピンソケット無し)Arduino Micro Da Vinci 32U*1Pro Micro*2 *1 Strawberry Linux 社の製品で正式な Arduino ではない。 *2 SparkFun 社の製品で正式な Arduino ではない。
Add to Cart, USB cable - USB A to Micro-B - 3 foot long $2.95 In stock Adafruit Pro Trinket - 3V 12MHz Product ID: 2010 Deprecation Warning: The Pro Trinket bit-bang USB technique it uses doesn't work as well as it did in 2014, many modern computers won't work well. So ...
Arduino Nano BLE 33 Arduino Pro Micro Arduino UNO Arduino UNO R4 Minima [demo video] Arduino UNO R4 WiFi [demo video] ESP8266 Series ESP32 Series ESP32-C3 Series ESP32-S2 Series ESP32-S3 Series Raspberry Pi Pico Raspberry Pi Pico W ...
Arduino Pro-Micro (yes I did another one) I think this may have been pioneered by Sparkfun but open to correction there. Basically its an Arduino Leonardo shrunk until it fits in a 24 pin DIL socket. This is the important bit none of the Genduino boards seem to do that :-( . Based...
Specifications: Product Specifications: - Integrated Circuits Category: ARDUINO NANO RP2040 CONNECT HDRS - Compatibility: Raspberry Pi Pico with Arduino IDE - Connectivity: How to connect LCD to Arduino - Comparison: Raspberry Pi versus Arduino - Versatility: Arduino Pro Mini vs Micro comparison - In...
Raspberry Pi Zero vs Arduino Nano vs NodeMCU的概述和引脚 树莓派零W Raspberry Pi Zero W是三块板中最大的,这并不奇怪,因为它是一个完整的芯片上的计算机。乍一看,Pi的40个GPIO引脚似乎很多,但这被Pi没有任何模拟引脚的事实所抵消。对于需要模拟I/O的传感器,必须与Pi一起使用外部ADC,或者可以使用GPIO引脚作...
If you are using the Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V board, select the correct Processor on Arduino IDE (ATmega328, 3.3V, 8MHz) Select the correct pullup resistor. Two variables to consider: the internal pullup resistors in some micro controllers, and the capacitance of the I²C bus. Some device...
**Designed for Ease of Use and Expansion** The Nano Mini USB is not just a microcontroller board; it's a tool for creativity and innovation. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to integrate into various projects, while its compatibility with the Arduino Pro Micro spec and...